Senior Connections SeniorConnections_MayJune20 | Page 11

Distancing at Good Sam Howard Lake Good Samaritan Society nurse practitioner Jessicah Gabrielson signs work orders outside with nurse Janet Wymer. This is one of the ways staff at Good Samaritan is practicing social distancing and limiting visitors into the facility during the COVID-19 outbreak. Residents at Good Samaritan cut out hearts and displayed them, facing both in- side and outside, in their windows to promote hope and good cheer. Some hearts displayed positive messages, including “God will take care of you,” and “Love your neighbor.” Time to Focus on the Joys of Life SUBMITTED PHOTOS Guidance for Minnesotans returning from a winter residence WRIGHT COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT COVID-19 has spread across the country; every state has confirmed cases. Regardless of where people live during the winter, there is potential for them to fall ill or be a carrier of the vi- rus. Wright County Public Health en- courages those returning to their per- manent residence in Wright County to familiarize themselves with Minneso- ta’s Stay at Home order. Keep the following in mind when thinking about going out in public; the only reasons to leave home are to pick up essential items such as food and med- ications, seek health care, care for loved ones, spend time outside, or to provide a critical service. Those who are not feel- ing well should stay home. When out in public, it is important people maintain 6 feet of distance be- tween themselves and others. Home- made face coverings can be worn to protect other people by reducing the chance that the wearer, who does not have symptoms but still may be infect- ed, can pass on the disease. Wright County Public Health is com- mitted to protecting the community in this difficult time. Those who are hav- ing difficulty accessing needed items or are unable to leave home can text or call the Wright County Hotline at 763- 682-7607. According to the Minnesota Depart- ment of Health, people over 60 or those that have certain underlying health conditions are at greater risk of devel- oping a severe illness if infected by the coronavirus. These underlying health conditions include blood disorders, chronic kid- ney disease, chronic liver disease, com- promised immune system, late term or recent pregnancy, endocrine disorders, metabolic disorders, heart disease, lung disease, and neurological conditions. With help from local partners, Wright County Public Health has built a directory of local resources related to groceries, food shelves, medication, transportation, mental health, and oth- er services available to support people during this time. Visit, or text/call 763- 682-7607. Senior Connections HJ.COM At Cedar Crest Estate, we believe purpose and joy should be part of your everyday. Located on the shore of Silver Lake, family owned and operated, Cedar Crest Estate continues to grow and advance in our approach to improve the lives of the elderly we serve. Senior Connections May/June 2020 11