Executive Director
ATHC, a 501(c)3 non-profi t voca� onal organiza� on providing support services for individuals
with intellectual and/or developmental disabili� es, is seeking an Execu� ve Director.
• Opera� onal oversite of mul� ple
loca� ons and 160 employees
• Develop and manage a non-profi t
budget (2 million)
• Working knowledge of 245D
rules and experience developing
voca� onal support services
• Public outreach and fudrasing
• Professionally represent ATHC within
the organiza� on and community
• Organiza� onal skills with emphasis
on mul� tasking
• Excellent wri� en and oral skills
• Bachelor degree or equivalent
• 5+ years of supervisory experience
Send le� er of interest and resume to:
Execu� ve Director Search Commi� ee
311 Fairlawn Ave. W, Winsted, MN 55395
or email [email protected]
Professional Transit Drivers
$19.78 per hour plus excellent benefits!
Looking for positive, hardworking people with excellent driving, customer service, and interpersonal
skills. Trailblazer Transit offers a clean working environment and maintains a high-quality fleet
of medium-sized transit buses. Openings for full-time and part-time positions in the Glencoe
and Buffalo garages. Minnesota Commercial Driver’s License (Class A, B, or C) with passenger
endorsement is required. Trailblazer may assist desirable applicants to obtain proper license.
Trailblazer Transit is a government entity that provides general public transportation in Sibley,
McLeod, and Wright Counties. Almost anyone can ride for almost any reason! Service is provided
to people of all ages, from children to seniors. Successful applicants must pass a drug test and
background checks. EEO.
New online driver application now available on our website at www.TrailblazerTransit.com
Connections March/April 2020
Senior Connections HJ.COM