Reviewing life’s lessons
There are the standard things everyone learns,
like “Don’t touch a hot stove.”
Some lessons, like getting your private parts
caught in a zipper, only take once. Others need to
be repeated multiple times to sink in.
We draw on our experience to avoid pain, fi nd
Dale Kovar
our way around, or simply do things in easier or
more enjoyable ways. We even learn to temper
A social media poll recently posed the ques- our reactions to many things.
If I was able to make a list of everything I’ve
tion: would you rather have a youthful body or the
in six decades plus, hopefully it would be
wisdom that comes from age and experience?
longer than we have space for here. But instead of
For me, this one isn’t too hard to answer.
Although I’d love to be able to hit and pitch a trying to be comprehensive, here are just a few of
baseball well again, and do away with the seem- the miscellaneous things that I’ve learned:
• One of my uncles taught me about cross-ref-
ingly daily aches and pains (and prescriptions),
fi ling in both personal and business use.
there is a lot of value from the experience of life.
you leave notes in specifi c places where
It can be regarding anything, like driving in the
look for something with directions to
cities – knowing where certain places are, where
major roads go, and just understanding traffi c in where it actually is.
• I save myself time and aggravation by buy-
several pairs of white socks that are exactly
Or it can be the comfort of knowing what’s re-
ally important in life, and equally so, what’s not the same and several pairs of black socks that
are exactly the same. Then there’s no need to try
worth getting upset about.
to match specifi c pairs, and if the
washer or dryer eats one of them, it
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doesn’t matter.
• In the heat of the moment after
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a youth baseball game that my son’s
team lost in an intense extra-inning
battle, another parent remarked:
“It’s important now, but it’s not
i m p o r-
tant.” Turns out he was right. More than a dozen
years later, I don’t remember the score or even the
opponent, but I do recall that the heartbreak of a
lost game passed with time while the memory of
having been involved is still pleasurable.
• A basic understanding of fi nancial aspects
like insurance and deductibles, taxes, and fi nanc-
ing and interest helps one make hopefully good
• Gather everything you need for the next day
the night before. It’s so much less stress than run-
ning into a problem when you’re trying to leave
in the morning.
• Some of my wife’s best advice for me has
been “Don’t believe everything you think.”
One more perspective
When I go out for a run, there’s something spe-
cial about reaching the halfway point. Even two
steps beyond halfway means there is a shorter
distance left to go than what has already been
In life, mathematically it seems safe to assume
I’m past halfway.
I can’t see the fi nish line – it may be just around
the next curve, or there may be a full marathon to go
I’m clearly on the descending side of “over the hill”
but there’s a lot to look forward to.
There are numerous times in the last few years I
have complained about days going so slow and long.
Lately I realized: “if you think the days are long now,
wait until you see eternity.”
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