Senior Connections SeniorConnections_JanFeb20 | Page 2

ADVENTURES from Pg 1 Park, by the St. Croix River in eastern Minnesota. “That was fun,” remembered Jill. Brian said he enjoys visiting the parks year-round, because at different times of the year, “you see things differently.” In the summer, their travels bring them more adven- tures, including standing at the source of the Mississippi River in Lake Itasca State Park, and into Ontario and Wisconson on the Circle Tour around Lake Superior. Despite that, “we think of ourselves as homebodies,” Jill said. In fact, after they completed the Passport Club, they had no plans to make a return visit to some of the far- ther-fl ung parks. “But, we’ve been back almost every summer,” said Jill, and, now, “most of the parks we’ve been to more than once, and many of them numerous times.” When planning trips for the upcoming camping sea- son, the Duncans note which parks they’ve visited least often, and make sure to incorporate a few of those into their schedule. There are now few parks they’ve visited only once, and they hope to return to each of them in the future. Garden Island is one of those, Minnesota’s northern- most state park, 20 miles off the shore of Lake of the Woods. It can only be reached by a two-hour boat ride, in summer, or by snowmobile in winter. “When we accomplished the Passport Club, we had not been to Garden Island, and I felt bad about it,” said Jill. The Island is so hard to get to that, along with one or two other diffi cult-to-reach parks, it’s not actually a requirement for completing the Passport Club. But the next summer, “we came back, and we found a way out to Garden Island, and I’m so glad we did,” ���� ����� ��� ���� �� �������� ��� ������ ������� ����������� �� ��������� ���� �� �� � �������� �� ������ ������ � ����� � ���� ����� � � � ����� ����� �������� �������� ����� �� ���� � �� ��� � � ��� � �� ���� �� ��������������������������� 2 Senior Jill said. “It’s just wild,” she added, of the pristine island. The Duncans like wild places, prefering camp- sites in the woods, among the trees and away from crowds. There, they’ve had their fair share of camp visi- tors, including a raccoon who insisted on drinking out of their water buck- et, and a mysteriously tipped-over trash can that ended up containing an adventurous skunk, who evenutally “just toddled away” on his own, after the Duncans wisely left him to it. They also see a lot of Jill and Brian Duncan of Lester Prairie have completed the Minnesota State Park Passport PHOTO BY HEIDI MIRTH birds, which they love to Club by visiting every park in the state. watch, and squirrels and chipmunks, who “tend to love Brian,” Jill said. Of course, camping isn’t all peaceful glades and chipmunk watching, even for the most expe- rienced. It takes some knowledge and planning, and has its share of frus- trations. Even so, the Duncans are overwhelmingly pos- itive about their experi- ences in the state parks, noting that they are quiet, clean, and well-main- tained, and that the big- gest problem they’ve had so far was caused by the weather, when the awning Brian and Jill Duncaname face-to-face with these three bears in Zippel Bay State Park. PHOTO BY JILL DUNCAN on their camper ripped off parks,” Jill said, adding that the parks offer so much in high winds, not once, in the way of history and notable scenery, and contain but twice. “layer upon layer of interest.” “You’d think we’d learn,” Jill laughed. “But if that’s “We have a lot of favorites for a lot of different rea- the worst, that’s not so bad.” sons,” Jill said. “They’re new every time.” They said they haven’t encountered many bad storms, That sense of newness seems to appeal to the adven- though once, they remembered, “We were outside, hang- turesome Duncans, who are always on the lookout for ing on to the posts of our awning as the wind was blow- unique state park experiences. ing at us, and I said, should we be out here?” said Jill. Most recently, Jill signed up for the Hiking Club, “It was just adventurous,” countered Brian. which is similar to the Passport Club. Each state park Other than the obdurate awning, simplicity is impor- has a designated Hiking Club trail. tant to the Duncans. “Our guiding principle is to pack “Most of them really give you a feel for what about as light as we can,” Jill said, though she noted her many that park is special,” said Jill, who has gotten her 25- bird and wildfl ower identifi cation books as a necessity, a mile patch, and has completed 18 out of 68 hikes so far. fact which Brian gives her a hard time about, but doesn’t “I don’t have a 25-mile patch,” said Brian, who joins dispute. Jill on some of the hikes, but didn’t offi cially join the Jill is on a quest to fi nd all the wildfl owers she’s “nev- club. er seen before,” and she said “the parks are a great place “Well, it’s ours,” said Jill, encapsulating their relation- for that,” among so many other things. ship, and their camping experience, in three words. “We’re always encouraging people to visit the state Connections Jan/Feb 2020 Senior Connections HJ.COM