Favorite concert memories
Dale Kovar
I remember a comedian – (sorry, not sure which
one) – pointing out that “Frank Sinatra can sing the
same song for 40 years and everyone thinks it’s won-
derful, but a comedian has to have new material ev-
ery 15 seconds or he’s a bum.”
That is a valid point.
Unlike professional athletes who are usually re-
tired by age 40, musicians are able to keep perform-
ing their craft into their 70s and 80s if their general
health allows.
I don’t know the inner workings of the music indus-
try well enough, but in conversations have speculated
that many of the senior citizen singers who are still
performing today are probably more profi table now
than when they were popular 40 years ago.
Over the years, we’ve all had opportunities to at-
tend some concerts.
Some would not live up to expectations, while oth-
ers turned out to be way better than anticipated.
Here’s a trip down memory lane – which concerts I
remember most and why.
You probably have your own favorites, or maybe
you were even sitting (or standing) a few rows away
from me at one of these:
• Styx at the Met Center (where the Mall of Ameri-
ca is now), 1970s. This probably was the fi rst “major”
concert I ever went to. Tickets were something like
$6 or $8, which was outrageously high at the time.
• Alice Cooper at the St. Paul Civic Center, 1978.
Most memorable because this one got tear-gassed.
Sitting in the upper deck, we thought the fl ash was
part of the show. Then people down below starting
rushing to the exits, and we couldn’t fi gure out why.
Suddenly we knew why. We made it out safely and
together, which at the time was quite an accomplish-
• Rolling Stones at the Metrodome, 1989. A chance
Do you know a senior that
should be in the spotlight?
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by calling 320.485.2535 or
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to see the classic band before they retired – and they
still haven’t!
• Patty Loveless at St. Paul Civic Center, 1994.
After developing an interest in country music, I got
to see my favorite close up by arriving at the perfect
time for general admission seating.
• Styx, 1997. Don’t remember which arena, but their
Return to Paradise tour was better than the original.
• Dave Mathews Band at Principal Park, Des
Moines, 2009. Combined the trip with a visit to our
daughter in college.
• Alice Cooper at State Theatre, 2013. Bucket-list
item to see him again while we’re both still alive (he’s
still touring this year). Popped extra to get in the fi rst
few rows.
Do you remember Straight Up from the mid-1970s?
They were a regional band that took showmanship to
the next level at the time including a light show, cos-
tumes, and fl ashes of fi re.
We made a point of always getting to their shows
when they regularly came around. I still sometimes
use the excuse when I don’t hear well because I spent
too many nights with my head in the speakers at Blue
Meet-and-greet number two with Neal McCoy, holding
a large photo of the previous time.
Of course, any type of concert listing would be in-
complete without including
We are blessed and
spoiled to have fi rst-rate
national artists in our
backyard every year.
In trying to come up
with my favorites from
Winstock, I end up most
remembering Neal Mc-
His performances in-
cluded claiming some
other popular songs as his
hits, a new rendition of the
Beverly Hillbillies, and
calling K102 live from the
stage to request they play
one of his songs.
Instead of mindlessly
singing to a nameless
crowd in the middle of
somewhere on just another
tour stop, McCoy did his
homework and correctly
acknowledged which years
he had previously been
• Built-in, absorbent pad with odor-control
Most of all, besides sing-
ing his songs, he always put
• Looks and feels like regular underwear
on an entertaining show
• Washable, reusable over 200 times
– the type that when you’re
leaving you say “That was
* Restrictions apply. Call for details.
really good!”
Connections September 2019
T Tell
ell Your BLADDER Who’s BOSS .
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