FOOD SHELF from Pg 3
Alzheimer’s, and participated in a monthly food delivery
program in Colorado, called Fair Share. So, when they
heard about the Annandale Food Shelf, they were initially
drawn to the senior delivery program. Once a month, the
Cherrys drove to fi ve different apartment buildings.
“This organization does a lot to help the elderly. I fi nd it
very fulfi lling,” Nita said. “I love it.”
As time went on, they both became more involved, and
now help out three days a week, stocking food items on the
warehouse shelves, picking food lists for clients, unloading
trucks in the receiving room, and driving the food shelf
van to Walmart, Target, and Marketplace, in addition to
monthly senior deliveries.
While the Annandale Food Shelf has been in operation
since 1982, the current facility was built in 2012. Skomoroh
helped design the layout, with a conscious emphasis on the
process from a practical point of view, so that every stage
is fl uid and logical.
“Work smarter, not harder,” Skomoroh said.
Part of the process includes weighing the food that is
distributed. Ed Skomoroh’s wife, Jean Skomoroh, noted
that, so far in 2019, 278,059 pounds of food have passed
through their doors, serving 7,868 individuals.
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For the past two years, Dick Harland, 89, has been vol-
unteering at the food shelf, marking, stocking, and bag-
ging items. He will turn 90 in November.
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Longtime volunteers Nita and Tom Cherry have been
volunteering at the Annandale Food Shelf since 2011.
They moved to Annandale from Longmont, CO, in 1997.
Connections September 2019
Senior Connections HJ.COM