Rare fi fth-generation photo times three
Lois Koehnen of Dassel recently sent three fi fth-gen-
eration photos taken of her family over the past four
decades. Pictured in the year 1972 are: front – the late
Amolia Johnson of Kingston, Lois Koehnen of Dassel
holding Stacy Gray of Litchfi eld; back – the late Clara
Johnson of Bethel, and Betty Bobrowske of Cokato.
This photo taken in 1989 includes: front – Betty
Bobrowske of Cokato, Stacy Gray of Litchfi eld holding
Sydney Gray of Seattle, WA; back the late Clara Johnson
of Bethel, and Lois Koehnen of Dassel.
A current fi fth-generation photo taken in 2018 includes:
front – Betty Bobrowske of Cokato, Elizabeth Heacock
of Hopkins holding Zella Rinn; back – Lois Koehnen of
Dassel, and Kerry Paulson of Hutchinson.
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Connections November 2018
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Senior Connections HJ.COM