Senior Connections Senior Connections Mar 2019 | Page 8
The Devil at Lake Marion
McLeod County Historical Society Executive Director
It was the roaring ‘20s, a time of moral deca-
dence – an era best categorized by bootleggers,
booze, fl appers, and jazz. Ladies’ dresses and
hairstyles became shorter, music became louder,
cars became faster, and liquor, which was now
illegal, fl owed more freely than ever. The Great
War was over, but the victory party that followed
ceased to end.
Rarely was there a place in America that wasn’t
touched in some way by the roaring ‘20s.
Minnesota, a state once thought of as a rural
mecca with country values, became the nation’s
top producer of illegal moonshine.
The trade was so prevalent across the country-
side that it caught the attention of the feds and the
likes of Al Capone. All across the state, ballrooms
and dance halls became the centers of 1920s night
life. What were once quaint venues for weddings
and ceremonies, were now fi lled with jazz music,
dancing, and booze.
The Lake Marion Ballroom was a beautiful
pavilion-style dance hall on the shores of Lake
Marion, near Brownton.
Cool breezes fl oated through the screened pa-
vilion, and the full moon refl ecting off the lake
made it exquisite.
To the north was a small outcropping of rocks,
where mist from the waves could wash over those
who sat atop them while listening to the music
through the screened windows.
To top off the atmosphere, a popcorn stand
stood outside the ballroom entrance and fi lled the
pavilion with the scent of freshly-popped corn.
It was indeed a landmark of McLeod County.
To some, the ballroom was a place of grandeur,
yet to others, it was a den of sin and decadence.
At a time when a segment of the population
looked to tighten the noose around societal ills,
the ballroom was often the sight of moonshine
vendors, and it was rumored that “women from
disorderly houses from the Cities were brought
there for illegal purposes.”
It was also rumored that “the dances have been
rough, and that some of the dancers of both sexes
get drunk; that the rooms of the hotel are all en-
gaged in advance and that the cottages are broken
into and the rooms occupied by revelers.”
If such ill repute was indeed prevalent at the pa-
vilion, it is no wonder that such deeds would sum-
mon the presence of Satan himself.
It was Sunday, Oct. 30, 1921, the evening before
For years, Oct. 30 was known as mischief night;
the night when pranksters ran amuck with plea-
sure. It was common to wake up on Halloween
morning to fi nd outhouses tipped over, unhinged
gates, windows soaped, or to see property vandal-
It was the perfect night for a sinister appearance
by Satan himself, and what better place to get a
good scare than in a pavilion full of people.
There are many versions of what happened, the
following is one of them.
It was intermission at the Lake Marion Ball-
room. The musicians were off-stage, taking a
break, and the dancers were mingling among
The weather that night was blustery; it was hu-
mid, and a late-season thunderstorm was passing
through the area.
As the dancers reveled and laughed, a loud clap
of thunder shook the pavilion and the rain started
coming down.
Another Earth-shattering thunder clap, and then
a scream from the crowd as a strange apparition
appeared next to the mirrored column in the mid-
dle of the dance fl oor, and made its way to the
The lights in the ballroom began to fl icker,
some claiming they gave off an eerie, un-Earthly-
like color.
Some supposed witnesses recalled that the mu-
sicians’ instruments fl ew off the stage and splin-
tered as they hit the ground.
Then, from the ceiling, a broomstick began
Connections March 2019
dancing in mid-air and made its way to the stage.
A cry emitted from the crowd, “The Devil is
here to get his dues. Repent on your knees. Pray
for forgiveness.”
Then, suddenly, in a fl ash of smoke, fi re, and
brimstone, Satan himself was said to have ap-
Some say he came from above, while others
maintained he rose from the fl oor. He did not
speak, but made his way through the crowd. As he
walked by, a section of scaffolding resting against
a wall crumbled into a heap of iron.
People screamed, people fainted, and people
scrambled over the top of one another in a race to
the exits.
They jumped in their cars and drove away as
fast as their old Model Ts would allow.
Many abandoned their cars and ran headlong
into the darkness.
Some were transfi xed on the spot, unable to
move as the dark prince strolled by.
To those who stayed behind as witness, they say
the devil strode out of the ballroom and walked
across the water on the lake, disappearing from
sight and leaving a scene of chaos in his wake.
The story began to evolve over the next few days,
and it gained nationwide attention. The story was
told all over the state, in the Minneapolis paper, as
well as a number of smaller publications. It even
hit the papers in Chicago, and some recall that the
story was told as far east as New York.
Rumors of the perpetrator’s identity were wide-
spread. Some claimed it was a prankster, some
claimed it was nothing but a ball of lightning and
the onlookers were exaggerating the story, yet oth-
ers maintained that it was the Devil himself, com-
plete with horns, tail, and cloven feet.
Whatever it was, something indeed happened
on that October night in 1921.
At a resort in Norwood, just a few days after
the episode at Lake Marion, an intense game of
poker was being played in a backroom where a
well-known gambler was present.
While the players were making bets, tossing
chips, and laying down cards, it is said that Satan
again appeared.
How he appeared is unknown. Perhaps it was
with a puff of smoke, maybe a ball of brimstone
and fi re, or perhaps he simply strode through the
Whatever his means of appearing, it is said that
he accosted the well-known gambler, and in a
devilish voice proclaimed, “Now, you old rascal.
I’ve got you!”
More DEVIL on Pg 24
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