Senior Connections Senior Connections Mar 2019 | Page 13
‘Well, can’t do that. Or why would you ask me to do
that?’ I fi gure I’m here to help. I fi gured it was al-
ways whatever could I do to make things run a little
smoother in the whole school. No matter if it was
getting extra silverware out during lunch. It was not
my job, but somehow, I end up doing it. It’s a lot of
little things that are not in the job description. It could
be just about anything from un-jamming zippers on
kids’ coats to whatever ... un-jam a locker because a
backpack is stuck in it. But I never felt unappreciated,
not in this building!”
The Humphrey Elementary staff and students ex-
pressed their affection and esteem for Bell by honor-
ing him at a recent school assembly, which Rod de-
scribed with genuine delight.
“We had an assembly the other morning. It was the
end of the quarter assembly. Lot of times at that time
I have to go and get the mail, but they said, ‘Don’t go
get the mail!’ So, I had to be in there. Well, they pre-
sented me with a golden plunger. They had a book that
they had wrote in, staff and kids, and another thing
was 26 years ago (the music teacher happened to be
here that long), they did a play called School Days.
She enlisted a lot of the staff to be in it, and I was
in it. I was sitting in a chair, sleeping and dreaming.
Tony Bakeberg, who was a fi fth-grader then, had on
one of my work shirts and he was running around me
with a broom, while they had this song going on. A
lot of it was ‘Rod, Rod, where are you?’ Well, [at the
assembly] the whole school started to sing that song.
Out of the lounge there come, with a dust mop, Tony
Bakeberg in one of my shirts. Here he comes out 26
years later. (He lives out here. He’s farming with his
dad.) Anyway, he’s going back and forth. I thought it
was great that they enlisted him. That was pretty fun!
I couldn’t believe they got him to come over and do
that. Things like that you will remember!”
Despite his obvious fondness for his job, there are
a few things that Bell will not regret leaving behind,
including cleaning up some of the unpleasant messes.
He is also looking forward to a later start to his day.
“I don’t consider myself a morning person, but the
job dictated that ... It’s not too exciting being here at
5:30 am and having to clean up snow and stuff every
morning. [Now] it will be easier to sit and look out the
window with a cup of coffee and say, ‘Well, maybe,
I’ll clean my driveway at 10 o’clock.’”
Bell is something of a world-traveler. “One teacher
called me a jet-setter one
time,” so he hopes that
his future plans will
involve more travels
abroad. Europe is among
his favorite destinations,
particularly Italy and
France, having visited
Rome, Venice, Florence,
Nice, Monte Carlo, and
Paris. “I’d like to go
back to Europe,” Bell
said. “I’ve never been to
Portugal and Spain ... I
got a new passport last
December and haven’t
had any stamps put in
it yet ... Every place has
its own unique things ...
I like seeing different
Summing up his ca-
reer at Humphrey, Bell
said, “This job worked
out well for me. If I
had had to sit at a desk
and do paperwork, I’ve
thought many times that
I never could have did it.
So, in that respect, the
job worked out well for
me. I very seldom ever
missed ... I tried to make
the job fun ... I never iso-
lated myself. I became
part of what they con-
sider a little family here.
It’s a pretty tight group,
actually ... There isn’t a
Senior Connections HJ.COM
Rod Bell retired Jan. 29 after nearly 40 years as a custo-
dian at Humphrey Elementary in Waverly.
day you come here that you don’t laugh. I thought that
was pretty important. I never complained about my
job ... Some people go home and say what a tough day
it was. I don’t think I ever said that, but now it’s time
to ride off into the sunset.”
Do you know a senior that
should be in the spotlight?
Please send your information to us
by calling 320.485.2535 or
by emailing
[email protected].
Connections March 2019