Senior Connections Senior Connections June 2019 | Page 2
Debbie’s Daycare closes after 32 years in Dassel
Debbie Burandt closed the door of her day-
care for the fi nal time April 5. During the 32
years she provided daycare, more than 150 chil-
dren passed through her doors.
Burandt’s former daycare families will be
hosting a retirement party for her Saturday,
May 18, and Burandt is excited for the oppor-
tunity to reconnect with her past daycare kids
and families.
Through the years, Burandt stayed in touch
with her former daycare children, watching
them grow up to attend prom, graduate, and
get married. Many former daycare kids sent
their own children to Debbie’s Daycare. In fact,
Burandt started her daycare with Ron and Betty
Rauschendorfer’s kids, and when she closed last
month, their grandchildren were in her care.
Many things have changed since Burandt
opened her doors 32 years ago. When Debbie’s
Daycare opened in 1986, families paid $1.25 per
hour for one child, $1.50 for the second child,
and $1.75 for the third. When she retired last
month, the cost was $30 per day for one child,
and $15 per day for each additional child.
Burandt described how a daycare home is dif-
ferent than a center. One of the primary differ-
ences is, in a daycare home, the older children
interact with the younger ones. At a daycare
center, the children are assigned to age-specifi c
rooms so the after-school kids don’t cross paths
with the toddlers and infants.
When describing the environment at her
home daycare, Burandt said, “What is great is
you have the infants and the 2-to-4 age groups
here, and the after-school kids love interacting
with the younger ones.”
Burandt described what a typical day was
The daycare starts at 7 a.m. when the fi rst
children get dropped off. Once all the kids ar-
rive, breakfast is served,”
Burandt said. “After break-
fast, everyone heads outside
for a walk (if the weather
is nice). Once back at the
house, they play games un-
til lunch. Then, it is nap-
time from 1 to 3 p.m. After
nap, the children set the
table for a snack (and the
kids love helping set up).
We have the snacks ready
for the after-school kids.
Once they get off the bus,
everyone has snack togeth-
er. During snack time, we
talk about the day, then fi n-
ish off the afternoon with
a fun activity like fi nd the
Frisbee or hide and seek.”
Stories from a
daycare family
Connections June 2019
Debbie Burandt is shown here with two of her
former day care children, Dani Johnson and
Alicia Johnson.
patience and her loving way with the kids. I
don’t know how she did it at nap time, but she
always had those younger ones well-disciplined
enough for them to stay lying down, even when
they weren’t asleep. She truly had a knack. She
disciplined the kids, yet they loved and respect-
ed her very much. I know our girls still give
her big hugs whenever they see her. She was a
big part of their lives.”
Brenda’s daughter, Alicia also had some kind
words to share.
“Whenever I see Debbie today or when I
think about all the fun I had there 10-plus years
ago, I’m fi lled with joy and appreciation. Look-
ing back, Backwards Day was everyone’s favor-
ite, and birthdays were the best! Debbie always
gave my little sister, Dani, as much chocolate
syrup as she wanted, and that’s something she
and I will always remember. Words won’t ever
be enough to say what Debbie and my time in
her care mean to me.”
When Burandt announced to the children
that she was retiring, their reactions ranged
Brenda Johnson’s daugh-
ters attended Debbie’s
Daycare until the ages of 9
and 10.
“Debbie was like a sec-
ond mom to them,” John-
son said. “She helped with
the potty training and get-
ting them off the bottle,
which was very much ap-
preciated. What I admired More DAYCARE on Pg 7
most about Debbie was her
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