Senior Connections Senior Connections June 2019 | Page 12

HJ Classifieds Senior Connections classified ads also run in HJ Classifieds (and vice versa) Base rate is $20 but varies by category – see Subscribers to HJ newspapers receive FREE ads for personal use (some restrictions apply) Herald Journal • Dassel-Cokato Enterprise Dispatch Delano Herald Journal NOTICES HOUSEHOLD RING FOUND - Birthstone ring found at Glenn’s SuperValu. Go to the store to claim or call and speak to a man- ager. 49-50s COKATO COMMUNITY GARDEN - The Cokato Community Garden is once again accepting applications for garden plots. Please contact Jack Peterson at 320-286-5916 if you are in- terested. Everyone is invited. 47-50s FOUND - Silver double-banded solitaire diamond ring found in The Marketplace parking lot on 5/6/2019. Some design on the banding. If you think it is yours, please stop by the En- terprise Dispatch offi ce in Cokato. MISSING DISH TOWELS -Would the people who take dish towels home from the Winsted Legion Post, please return them. 46-50s WANTED WANTED - Someone to till a small garden plot in the city of Delano. Call Gilbert Scheiber 763-972-3119. OLD MOTORCYCLES - Wanting old motorcycles, mini bikes, or mopeds, running or not. Cash paid. Call 320- 282-4999. 46-50s BATTERY CHARGERS - Small 12-volt battery chargers wanted. Call 763- 913-7841. 46-50s HOUSEHOLD Reconditioned & Guaranteed Appliances Approximately 100 on Display! Guaranteed 30 to 90 days. New & Used Parts Available. PETS MISC. FOR SALE UPRIGHT FREEZER - Works great. $125 or best off er. Call 320-469-4937. 49-53s 2 SOFAS - Ethan Allen sample sofa. Great for cabin, apartment or uphol- stery project. Two available, ivory color. Comes with gray slipcover. Very high-quality sofa. $250. Call 612-516- 3354. 48-52s MEDICINE CABINET WITH LIGHT - 44” W x 40” H x 8” D, light color, $15. Call 320-420-2649. 49-53s GAS RANGE - Kenmore. $100. Call 320-286-5625. 47-51s GAS DRYER - Samsung, 3 years old. $250 or best off er. Call 320-286-5625. 47-51s ROMAN SHADE LINED BLINDS - Set of two, new in box, blueberry color, 38.625” W x 67” H, outside mount with 6” fabric valance. $30. Call 320- 420-2649. 49-53s TABLE - Antique oak, pedestal base, 45” round table, nice condition, refi n- ished several years ago. $125. Call 320- 275-4059. 45-49s FUTON - Excellent condition. Call 763-658-4540. 45-49s COUCHES - Two brown fl oral love- seats. Excellent condition, just like new. $75 each or both for $100. Call 320-864-5064. 45-49s MOVIE RECLINERS - Leather reclin- ing movie chairs. Great condition. Four reclining chairs with armrests and drink holders. Dark leather, very comfortable. Asking $800 for all four, purchased new for $549 each. Call Jesse 952-406-9987. tfc BRASS BED - $300 or best off er. Call 320-275-2227. 27tfc ANTIQUE CHANDELIER - crystal and brass. Measures approximately 21” in diameter and 15.5” in height. $75 or best off er. Call Jesse 952-406-9987. tfc PETS ARE FAMILY - Love, learn, and teach at Paws Inn Resort and Train- ing. Puppy, obedience, agility, thera- py, and positive-based training plus boarding, grooming, and pets sup- plies. Call 952-353-8006. 8127 Yale Ave., New Germany. 29tfc BUNNIES - Three baby Netherland Dwarf bunnies. $10 each. Call 763- 238-2702. 48-52s BIRDS - One-year-old, Black-Shoulder peahen, $40.Three-year-old, Black- Shoulder peacock, $75 or the pair for $100. Call 763-238-2702. 48-52s PUPPIES - Shih Tzu pups ranging 3 - 5 months old. $600 - $900. Call 763-242- 3143. 48-52s BEAGLE - Male, one-year-old, tri-col- or, AKC & UKC registered. Champion bloodlines, very loving and friendly. Must sell. Loves to hunt rabbits and great trail walking companion. $450 or best off er. Call 320-395-2476. 48- 52s PUG - Purebred male puppy, 10 weeks old. Last of the litter, fi rst shots given and ready for his new home. Very playful and likes attention. Call or text 320-223-4586. 48-52s PIGEONS - For dog training. Also fan- cy show breeds. Call 320-395-2476. 47-51s BEAGLE - Female, needs new home, friendly, loving and energetic. Out- side dog, great for trail walks and rab- bit hunting. $200 or best off er. Call 320-395-2476. 47-51s PUPPY - Purebred male long hair, black and tan, Mini Dachshund pup- py. Vet checked and fi rst shots given. Very energetic and playful. Little boy ready for his new home. Text or call 320-223-0739. 46-50s OUTDOOR FURNACES - The Clas- sic, Edge, & E Outdoor Wood Pel- let & Corn by Central Boiler. Take Advantage of The Rebates and ad- ditional discounts available now. Call or go online, 763-972-6255; tfc TELESCOPING FLAGPOLES - Sold by Kingston Lions Club. Call Wally Strand 612-735-0212 or Bob Hermann 320-693-6782. Also tents, tables, and chairs for rent. Call Bob Hermann 320-693-6782. 14tfc 2 PURPLE MARTIN HOUSES - Call 320-224-3602. 49-53s ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR PAINTING - 2000 by Charlotte Laxen, framed and matted, 32” W x 40 “ H. Excellent condition. Call 320-420-2649. 49-53s FIREWOOD - for campfi res or fi repits. $50 for pickup load. Call 320-420- 4333. 49-53s 2 COLLECTOR PLATES - Terry Red- lin, numbered with Certifi cate of Au- thenticity. “Night On The Town,” and “Sweet Memories.” Excellent condi- tion, book value is $60 each, asking $35 each, or $50 for both. Call Gary or Charlotte 320-395-2693. 49-53s DIRT - Cheap dirt. Great black dirt (Soil) with high organic content. $17.50 a cubic yard loaded. Delivery available up to 4 cubic yards. Call Jer- ry the “”Dirt Dude”” 952-322-0555 or [email protected]. 49-53s LAWN ROLLER - 18 x 48, water weight approx. 500-lbs. Works great. $25. Lo- cated in Dassel. Text for pix 320-295- 2991. Leave message. 49-53s ANTIQUE FARMING CREAM SEPA- RATOR - De Laval N0. 15. This unit does not have the bowls. Used as a plant stand during the summer and brought in during the winter. In good condition. Located in Dassel. $75. or best off er. Text for pix 320-295-2991. 49-53s IRONING MACHINE - Ironrite Model 85, great for bed sheets and shirts. Makes a great mother’s day pres- ent (not) $75 or best off er. Located in Dassel. Text for pix 320-295-2991. Leave message. 49-53s Hwy. 55 • Rockford Call (763) 477-6651 D2EOW Senior (320) 485-2535 HOUSEHOLD Vergin Sales 12 TO PLACE AN AD: • Click “Place Your Ad” at • Email: [email protected] • Phone (320) 485-2535, Fax (320) 485-2878 • 120 6th St. N., PO Box 129, Winsted, MN 55395 Connections June 2019 Senior Connections HJ.COM