Senior Connections Senior Connections Jan 2019 | Page 8
The story of Winsted Lake’s submarine cable
One day, while looking through a box
of old photos and newspapers, I came
across an event which happened on (and
under) Winsted Lake during the late
A little more than one-half mile of
submarine (marine copper-paired) cable
was placed along the bottom of the lake
by the local telephone company to pro-
vide telephone service for new homes
being built on the east side of the lake.
This event took place years before cel-
lular telephones arrived on the scene; it
was a time when a telephone line needed
to be physically hard-wired/spliced to a
pair of copper wires.
Why install a submarine cable?
It was decided this would be the fast-
est way to get phone service to the east
end of the lake. It was also thought the
marine cable would operate reliably un-
der water until a future telephone cable The pontoon crew included Frank Roufs, James Ollig, and Tom Ollig.
could be trenched into the ground going
around the lake.
trenched underground to the new homes.
The beginning of the submarine cable installation
“I remember cutting in the new phone lines using
took place near the east end of McLeod Avenue and the the submarine copper cable pairs for Jerry Sterner and
corner of Kingsley Street.
Jack Littfi n,” said Mike Ollig, who recently reminisced
Three telephone company employees, and a cable reel about it with me.
stand holding a large wooden reel of submarine cable,
For many years, this submarine cable provided re-
were positioned in a pontoon boat and ready to go.
liable telecommunications service from the telephone
“When we fi rst loaded the cable reel onto the pon- company’s downtown central offi ce to the subscribers
toon, we thought it was going to sink! The reel had to located on the east side of the lake.
be perfectly centered on the pontoon, so it didn’t tip
I would venture to say, the successful installation and
over,” recalled Tom Ollig, who was one of the three
people on the pontoon that day.
The telephone crew guided the pontoon as they
slowly made their way across Winsted’s most famous
body of water, traveling west to east.
First, carefully pulled off the reel by hand, the subma-
rine cable was prepared to be lowered into the water.
“Another concern was making sure the submarine
cable was weighted down correctly, so it didn’t fl oat to
the top of the water,” Tom added.
Heavy steel bolts were securely strapped onto the
submarine cable every 5 to 10 feet, before being gently
released into the murky depths (about 12 feet) of the
The telephone crew successfully lowered the subma-
rine cable across the lake.
The west end of the submarine cable was trenched
underground to a telephone enclosure fastened to a pole
located about 40 feet from the lake. Its copper pairs
were spliced to dedicated copper pairs of an aerial tele-
phone cable, which went to the telephone offi ce.
The east side of the submarine cable was located
near the new homes being built. This side of the ca-
ble terminated in an above-ground pedestal enclosure
about 50 feet from the shoreline.
New phone lines from the submarine cable were
spliced to the copper pairs of the smaller “drop cables”
Connections January 2019
use of a submarine cable across the lake for providing
telephone service was a historic fi rst for Winsted.
However, as we know, nothing lasts forever.
At the start of the 1980s, some of the submarine ca-
ble’s copper wire pairs had begun to fail, and there was
concern about the remaining good spares.
And so, during the mid-1980s, the local telephone
company installed a new underground telephone cable
around the lake to replace the aging submarine cable.
I suspect a few of you are wondering about the fate
of the abandoned submarine cable on the bottom of
Winsted Lake.
After disconnecting both ends of the submarine
cable, we (I was working at the telephone company)
attached the east end to our trusty Ditch Witch tractor/
trencher and slowly removed (pulled) it from the lake.
The trencher drove in an easterly direction until the
entire length of previously submerged submarine cable
was out of the water and lying on the ground.
We rolled up the old submarine cable (with assis-
tance from a John Deere tractor) onto a large cable
reel and transferred it to a cable trailer, where it was
driven to and stored inside the telephone company’s
The submarine cable was later recycled for its copper.
Today, the improved construction of submarine ca-
bles (using fi ber-optic pairs) has given them an average
lifespan of 25 years.
Currently, more than 450 fi ber-optic submarine
cables, with a combined length of 746,000 miles, are
on the world’s ocean fl oors, providing internet, voice,
video, and data communication services to nearly ev-
ery continent.
Senior Connections HJ.COM