Senior Connections Senior Connections Jan 2019 | Page 3
an Air Force, a Marine, and I’m particularly
proud of that part.”
Holmes, an Army Reservist who joined the
Waverly Post after moving here from Virginia,
said, “I was particularly impressed with the way
the Post operates here, and particularly with the
ceremonial function we serve here. To give you
an idea, Judd mentioned the funerals . . . that
would be our primary role.” Holmes brought out
a photo of graveside military honors the Post
conducted during the spring blizzard last April.
In a document he prepared for a publication
honoring the centennial of the American
Legion, Holmes wrote, “The most unique
attribute of Waverly Post 305 is that we are
proudly unconventional in our dress. We wear
our original service uniforms with our last rank
insignia and decorations for all parades and
funeral services.
“This must not be considered as an affront
to the Legion or Legion decorum; rather, it is
a tribute to our veterans from each of the fi ve
services who have served before us. We honor
not only the men and women who have served,
but also the individual services that have played
a large role in who we are today. We believe
that we are all the better for our time in service
– even if that service was sometimes terrifying,
or painful, or nonsensical. We learned from it, Sergeant Ken Borrell (right) stands on the left wing of a KC135, prepar-
and we believe that we had a part in protecting ing for a weather evacuation from Okinawa in 1968.
this great nation. All of that said, we
respect all veterans who may not share
these views.
“We have no fi rm proof of exactly
why our Post chose to wear original
service uniforms, but when WWI was
fi nished, our Legion members chose to
proudly display their military uniforms
in all military last rites, holidays, or
other events where an honor guard was
requested or needed. This tradition was
upheld after WWII, and again after
Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf wars.”
Each of the four veterans went on
to share recollections of his individual
military service.
in electronics at Keesler Air Force Base in
Biloxi, MS, eventually serving in Japan and
Okinawa, “taking care of B52s and the KC135
Borrell “would go on weather evacs when
the typhoons would come into Okinawa.
We would have to get on a plane and take all
our maintenance equipment to Guam, the
Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand.”
One particularly memorable weather evac
required Borrell to complete an emergency, in-
fl ight repair of a radar unit.
He explained, “The crew chief wanted to
know where the radar guy was, and that was
me. They had me go up front. The radar had
gone out, so they could no longer see the clouds
ahead of them. They were basically fl ying blind
through this thunderstorm. It was a pretty wild
Discussions with the navigator determined
that it was likely a module had gone out. Repairs
required Borrell to take the replacement module
and “crawl down over the wheel-well and back
up in front of the nose wheel.
He described the adventure, “I’ve got
headphones on . . . and I’m right below the
pilot and co-pilot. It was so loud, even with the
earphones on, the rain hitting the fuselage, it
was deafening. I took the top of the thing off
and took the module out and replaced it. When
I was down there, sometimes I’d be
holding on to the [module] thing, I’d
be bouncing back and forth a foot
each way, just because the plane was
skidding and bouncing.”
While stationed in Okinawa, Borrell
witnessed the use of some unusual,
secret aircraft, such as the SR71, which
“is Strategic Reconnaissance. It goes
Mach 3.2. It could actually outrun
SAM (surface-to-air) missiles.”
Dave Holmes
Dave Holmes joined the Army
Reserves in 1957, spending most of
his nine years of service stateside with
Army Intelligence. He began his service
training in light infantry, and later
moved to “heavy weapons – infantry.”
In college, Holmes was with the
division artillery unit headquarters
battery, where he was the intelligence
sergeant, later joining the strategic
intelligence unit at the university.
Dave Remer was drafted in September
1968, completing basic training at Ft.
Campbell, KY, and advanced infantry
training at Ft. Lewis, WA. He was
then sent to Ft. Benning, GA for three
months of NCO (non-commissioned
offi cer) training with the Rangers,
where he became, in his words, “a
shake-and-bake: an instant sergeant,”
and subsequently spent one year as a
sergeant in the infantry in Vietnam.
Judd Meyer
Ken Borrell
In 1964, Ken Borrell joined the Air
Force at age 18 and trained at Lackland Sergeant David Remer displays an AK47 rifl e captured from a North Vietnamese
Air Force Base. He went to tech school captain early in 1970.
Senior Connections HJ.COM
Dave Remer
Judd Meyer, an Iraq War veteran,
enlisted in the Army National Guard
in 1988, and completed his AIT
(advanced individual training) at Ft.
Benning, GA.
Continuing service in the Guard,
More LEGION on Pg 7
Connections January 2019