Senior Connections Senior Connections Jan 2019 | Page 12
At Good Samaritan Society in Howard Lake,
good things are happening
Associate Editor
What does a typical day look like for someone who
lives at Good Samaritan in Howard Lake?
Actually, that’s sort of a trick question, since the
answers are as unique as the residents themselves.
For some, the ideal day might be spent playing
with puppies in the center. Others might choose to go
to an air show with friends, lead a lefse-making class,
or volunteer on a welcome committee.
“When people come here, they’re sometimes
surprised to fi nd out that it’s OK to be spontaneous,”
Good Samaritan Administrator Laura Salonek
commented. “They choose when to go to bed, when
to eat dinner, and how to spend their time. The people
who live here are the bosses – we work for them.”
Quickly, residents fi nd out that life at Good
Samaritan can be full and fulfi lling.
“Their life doesn’t end when they come here – it can
actually begin again in new ways,” commented Kristi
Sebey, who has been Good Samaritan’s Director of
Quality for the past six years.
Sebey developed a passion for working with the
elderly after seeing her own father experience a long-
term care center.
“It’s very personal for me,” she said. “My heart
just wanted to be in this setting in a deeper way, to
make sure we are doing everything we can for our
Surprises and service
Every day, the staff at Good Samaritan take time
to do extra things to delight the people they serve.
One recent example is when they set up a romantic
candlelit dinner for a couple who was celebrating
their wedding anniversary.
“[The surprise] meant so much to them,” Salonek
said. “Little things like that mean a lot.”
Salonek and her staff enjoy getting to know
each resident, and fi nding ways to help them feel
comfortable. For Salonek, having conversations with
senior citizens comes naturally.
“It started with my grandparents,” she said. “I’ve
always been really close with them.”
Salonek volunteered at an assisted living facility in
high school, and she loved every minute of it.
“Seniors are a really intriguing group of people,”
she said.
Sebey agreed, sharing that she is always interested
in listening to what elderly people have to say.
“We can learn so much from the older generation,”
she said. “They’re just a wealth of experience and
At Good Samaritan, the experience and knowledge
of seniors is put to good use. For instance, a resident
can lead a Bible study, or teach others how to make a
special craft or dessert.
Good Samaritan residents visited the Munsinger and Clemens Gardens near St. Cloud.
Stop in and say ‘hi!’
Good Samaritan Society is located at
413 13th Ave. in Howard Lake. Tours are
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
To schedule, call 320-543-4427.
The center off ers senior apartments,
assisted living, rehab/skilled care, long-
term care, outpatient therapy, hospice
care, and meal programs.
Gloria Rogers and a fuzzy orange kitten spent some time
together at Good Samaritan recently. Community mem-
bers who have pets are welcome to schedule a visit.
Connections January 2019
Ellie Schrupp enjoyed an outing to The Paint Factory in
Senior Connections HJ.COM