Senior Connections Senior Connections Feb 2019 | Page 12
Annuals from Seeds Worth Planting
Annuals from seeds are reliable and relatively expensive.
Why not plant a lot of annual seeds this spring and en-
joy the rewards later in the season with a great amount of
plants for a fraction of the cost of plant plugs.
The following are plants that provide season long color
and can be used in masses or as fi llers in perennial gardens
as well as pots. These are also some good butterfl y attract-
ing plants. Try to focus on using more native plants in your
garden. It helps the bugs and the fl owers.
This plant was introduced
in 1799, but was not popular
for gardens until the early
1900’s. Cosmos is a fairly
tall plant reaching up to fi ve
feet tall. It prefers full sun,
but can tolerate dry soils.
Marigolds average 12
inches or below in height.
The fl owers range from
whitish yellow to a bright
yellow to deep orange. Both
single and double fl owers
are available. These are on
of the most universal garden
fl owers. It is best in a sunny
site and will self sow for many years after the fi rst planting
in the garden. They make wonderful border plants and are
very benefi cial in planting with vegetables to chase away
predators and other insects.
Four o’Clock
This is a very hardy plant;
it can tolerate any tempera-
ture and pollution or soil.
It does need full sun. It
also has a delicious fra-
grance. They come in red,
red striped with white, lilac
striped with white, yellow,
yellow and red and red, vio-
let and white. It can be used as a small hedge as it reaches
24 inches in height. Use as a fi ller plant with your taller
Zinnias come a variety
of sizes; they can grow up
to 30 inches tall. The back
of a fence would work well
or in the center of a circular
bed. They love full sun and
hot dry weather. It does well
in most soils. It does need
adequate space in between each plant for air circulation.
Deadhead these to encourage blooms throughout the season.
Zinnias come in over 15 colors that include yellow, red, or-
ange, lilac, rose, magenta, purple to name a few. They make
excellent cut fl owers.
This is a tender plant
growing one to two feet.
The fragrance will make
you want to plant these in
masses. It smells of sweet
vanilla. The fl owers are a
brilliant purple. The newer
versions do not have the
strong scent as more of the
heirloom varieties. Look for the older type varieties to get
a stronger scent. The early varieties such as “The Queen”,
or “Snow Wreath” but these have been replaced with the
cultivar “Alba”. The purple types of “Fragrant Delight”
and “Iowa” have a high perfumed scent. This plant can be
planted in full sun or partial shade and needs extra water
when dry. Do not let it set in too much water.
Don’t dig your dahlias, instead grow them in larger pots.
Use inexpensive terra cotta pots. After the top growth is
froze then lift the pots out of the ground and transfer them
to the basement where you can keep until spring. Then
bring them back outside and begin to water them again.
Try this organic way of killing a bug nest or obnoxious
weed. I tried this and it worked well for me. When you see the
“pest”. Pour some boiling water on the weed and it usually
kills it and nothing else around it.
If you have gardening questions you can send to
[email protected]
3 cups fl our
2 and 1⁄2 teaspoons baking powder
1⁄4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons cinnamon, divided
1⁄2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/3 cup milk
3⁄4 cup sugar
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a stand mixer, beat to-
gether 10 tablespoons butter and brown sugar on medium
speed for 3 minutes. Add pumpkin puree and eggs and mix
for another 1 minute. In a separate bowl, stir together fl our,
baking powder, baking soda, salt, 1 and 1⁄2 teaspoons cin-
namon, and nutmeg. Slowly incorporate the dry ingredi-
ents into the pumpkin mixer on low speed. Add milk and
continue to mix until all ingredients are evenly distributed.
Divide batter into a greased mini muffi n pan. Bake for 12-
14 minutes.
Mini Corn Dog Muffi ns
Mix up an 8-1/2-ounce box of corn muffi n mix accord-
ing to package directions and set aside.
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Coat cups of a muffi n
pan with nonstick cooking spray
Divide the batter among the muffi n cups. Slice hot dogs
into 1-inch pieces and place one piece in each muffi n cup.
Bake 10 to 12 minutes, or until a wooden pick inserted in
the center of the muffi n batter comes out clean.
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Mini Muffi n Pan Recipes
Sometimes all you want is a bite of something sweet.
That is why mini muffi n pans are my new favorite go to
pan! I can have small bites yet still enjoy sweets. Plus they
are also wonderful to use any muffi n recipe in. Mini muffi n
pans bake at half the time and you can put almost any food
in them. Once you start using them you might not go back
to the larger size. You can also divide a recipe in half if you
like. Perfect for everyone!
Pumpkin Doughnut Holes
Makes 36 doughnut holes
18 tablespoons softened butter, divided
3⁄4 cup brown sugar
1 and 1⁄4 cups pumpkin puree
2 eggs
Connections February 2019
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