Connecting Seniors
Through News,
Information, and
February 2019
VOLUME 1 | NO. 7
Senior Connections HJ.COM
The writers’ group at the Delano Senior Center meets at 10:30 a.m. the fi rst and third Thursday of each month. Participants at a recent meeting included (clockwise from the front):
Jo Geoff rey, Barb Holm, Lynette Olson, Kay Linafelter, Katherine Bart, Ted May, Jeanette Silus, Roger Swenson, Tom Botz, Vic Anderson, Jill Robins, Karen Cook, and Art Thole.
Delano group has the ‘write’ idea
Associate Editor
It’s Thursday morning at the Delano Senior Center.
In a spacious, comfortable room just to the left of the
entrance, about a dozen people are gathering around a
big table. The scent of cookies and coffee fl oats through
the air, along with the hum of pleasant conversation.
Everyone at the table has different backgrounds,
family situations, and career paths, but they’re connected
by one commonality – they are all writers.
Ever since the senior writers’ group in Delano began
in 2003, it’s been a source of joy and inspiration for
those who attend.
“Writers answer the question ‘Who am I?’ and also
‘Who is my community?’” noted Ted May, who is
the group’s leader. For May personally, the group has
helped him rediscover his family heritage, cherish his
life experiences, and gain a better understanding of
people and events.
“Also, I have benefi tted from exposure to the writing
styles and skills of group members,” he added. “There
are many talented writers who serve as models of
different viewpoints, literary styles, and genre.”
One of those talented writers is Jo Geoffrey of Maple
More WRITERS on Pg 4
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