Cokato Manor resident donates to Locks of Love
They made the arrangements and completed the pa-
perwork. Then came the day of the haircut. Mentuis
estimates they cut off about 13 inches, which leaves
him with a blunt cut nearly down to his shoulders.
The fi nal length to be sent will be less than that, as
there were “some straggles” that had to be trimmed.
The change confused his grandson, who visits
every weekend. But, now that he understands, he is
proud of his grandfather.
Mentuis feels happy to have found a path of giving
to others and making a difference. He defi nitely plans
to re-grow his hair until it’s long enough to donate
Marschel and Gigley have found Steve to be an in-
spiration, and hope others will, too.
For residents of Cokato Manor, it is not always
easy to come up with ways to “give back” to support
others, but Steve Mentuis did not let that stand in his
Mentuis lost a lot after having a stroke 10 years
ago. Prior to the stroke, he was a busy, active, and
hardworking roofer. He lived in Litchfi eld with his
wife and their two children. After the stroke, loss of
mobility due to paralysis on his right side took that
active lifestyle away from him.
But, it didn’t take everything. Mentuis has an in-
fectious smile, more mischievous expressions than
can be counted, appreciation for his caregivers, and
deep love and devotion for his wife, Becky.
He just knew he could fi nd a way to give some-
thing to others. After thinking about it, he decided
that perhaps he could donate his hair, which he had
always worn long. He asked for, and received help
from staff at the Cokato Manor, where he has lived
for some years.
Joy Marschel has been the recreation therapy di-
rector for the past 20 years and loves her job.
Debi Gigley opened her salon there in 1984, and
before that, she came on weekends to cut residents’
Together, they researched the subject of donating
Joy Marschel, recreation therapy director at Cokato
Manor, congratulates Steve Mentuis on his donation.
hair on the internet.
Several organizations accept donated hair, which
is then made into wigs for people who need them.
Often, the fi nal product goes to someone who has lost
their hair due to chemotherapy.
Ultimately, Marschel and Gigley selected Locks of
Love, which accepts gray hair, as Mentuis has some
gray growing in.
Driving at a discount
Dale Kovar
When you turn 16, it’s exciting because you are
fi nally eligible to get a driver’s license.
When you turn 55, it’s – (fi ll in emotion of your
choice) – because you’re now eligible to enroll in a
driving safety course.
There are a number of names for it: defensive
driving course, mature driver improvement course,
smart driver course, etc. I just call it “old people’s
driving class.”
There is on the table a standing offer of a 10
percent discount on auto insurance, which elevates
it from a good idea to an action item.
Although it’s hard to argue against safety, the
insurance discount is the clincher that makes it
worth pursuing.
The fi rst time around it’s a full eight-hour course.
After that, you only need a four-hour refresher ev-
ery three years.
There are a number of approved providers of
these courses including AARP and AAA, as well
as some more local organizations.
In this day of many choices, you can do it either
in a classroom setting or, of course, online.
I did my fi rst round over two evenings in Wa-
conia; then opted for renewals online in my paja-
If you haven’t taken this class yet, it guides you
through virtually every aspect of driving from traf-
fi c laws to vehicle maintenance to physical health
issues to dealing with weather to driving etiquette
to accident statistics, etc.
Both the classroom and online versions do a
good job of mixing up the presentation format to
keep your attention. It might be a stretch to call it
entertaining, but at least it isn’t drudgery.
There are quizzes along the way, but it’s low-
stress. You don’t have to actually pass the course,
just complete the course – which means if you put
in the time, you’ll absorb enough of the informa-
tion anyway to be valuable.
Which is why the government and insurance
companies want you to do it.
I’ll admit I was there strictly for the discount,
but then found myself reciting tidbits later in vari-
ous driving situations.
One of my biggest take-aways was how to prop-
erly set the rear-view mirrors. I’m sure this was
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taught in high school driver’s training but it really
opened my eyes to re-learn that if the mirror is in
the correct position, you can see so much more of
what is behind you.
The other big point I learned was about airbags.
Fortunately, I’ve never been in a situation where an
airbag deployed, so I’m glad to take the instructor’s
word for it.
Although an airbag can do a tremendous job to
prevent you from going through the windshield or
smacking into metal parts, you can take a pretty
stiff hit from the airbag itself.
Thus, it’s advisable to try to position yourself as
far away from the steering wheel and airbag as you
comfortably can. Each inch farther away works in
your favor should an accident occur.
I found this interesting since I tend to sit pretty
far back anyway. I’m just a little under average
height, but I guess I really like my space because
almost every time I drive a different vehicle, the
fi rst thing I do is move seat back, usually as far as
it can go.
That’s just how I like it. Now I can blame it on
the airbags.
All in all, brushing up on what we should know
to drive safely is good for all of us.
Enjoy the course – and make sure you get your
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