A condolence letter from Lawrence’s friend, Norman, to Lawrence’s sister, Ruth
July 7, 1919
Dear Miss Peterson: It affords me
much pride in being the fortunate one
who has the privilege to write a few
lines of your heroic and worthy broth-
er Lawrence, while he was answering
his country’s call for the sake of de-
I was so fortunate as to form the ac-
quaintance of your departed brother
at Camp Dodge. He and Mr. Runquist
were nearly always together. Your
brother was a very good soldier for he
was so willing and quick to learn. In a
very short time he had a big circle of
the best boys as his friends. He was on
the whole a little quiet and reserved.
After we were transferred to Camp
Severi, he was placed in the best com-
pany of the regiment, namely Co. I,
118 Inf., and I was transferred to the
medical department which had charge
of the sick or wounded of the 3d Bn.,
including Co. I. I cannot recall a single
instance, either in the US, or in France,
when your stalwart brother was sick.
He was one of that kind of men, but
was always on the job fi rst and last to
While in Camp Severi, I noticed that
he carried a little khaki Testament and
it looked like it was used often by the
owner. In France and Belgium when
we had open air religious meetings
Lawrence was there. I honestly believe
Lawrence was trying to be right with
God, if he wasn’t so always.
I remember distinctly when work
I thought it would be right to do the same for my
grandmother Dora’s brother (Lawrence). No fam-
ily is in Knapp, and the grave wasn’t decorated like
the World War II veterans.”
That Lawrence’s relatives know where his grave
is located, is primarily due to Olson’s brother,
Lieutenant Colonel Lance Olson’s research.
“My brother did a lot of research and got infor-
mation from the Minnesota Historical Society,”
Olson stated. “At one time, we were confused and
thought he was buried in France, or went down on
a ship.”
“Lance tells me my grandmother’s mother did
not like to discuss Lawrence and his gravesite be-
cause it was diffi cult for her,” Olson stated. “and
also, there was not a conventional burial for him
due to the delay.”
Eventually, Lawrence’s gravesite was traced to
a small cemetery near the North Crow River Lu-
theran Church, about six miles north of
was brought back from the front lines
that Mr. Peterson was killed. It fi lled
me with sadness, for he was the fi rst
of a close friend killed on the terri-
ble Hindenburg line, over the hidden
Quentin canal. We had just moved into
the front trenches the night before.
About daylight, the Germans must
have found out we were there, for they
opened a terrible artillery fi re on all
our trenches and area. I think that it
was almost 8 o’clock that Lawrence
was killed by a big shell that burst
close to him while he was on duty
watching if the Germans were com-
ing over. He died the death of a genu-
ine hero, on the toughest battle fi eld
in France, namely on the Hindenburg
line just west of Bellicourt.
Did he think of and remember those
at home? Many times did he show me
pictures of the loved ones at home, of
whom he seemed to be very proud.
When the mail was distributed, he was
always there looking for his letter, and
when he got it, there was a smile on
his face of happiness. I am sure that
you miss him very, very much in your
home ties, and will you kindly accept
my heartfelt sympathy for the bereave-
ment of a dear brother who was a close
friend to me.
And now, may He, whose thoughts
are higher than our thoughts, and His
ways than our ways comfort and con-
sole you in your bereavement.
–Norman O. Nelson, 707 Grove
Street, DesMoines, IA.
Following Lawrence’s memorial, Olson ex-
plained his rationale for making it happen. In ad-
dition to his great uncle, Olson’s grandfather also
served in WWI, and he made it home alive.
“I have always been moved that my grandfather,
a simple farmer from Albion, and fi rst generation
Swedish American, served,” Olson said.
“I have been in the Army since I graduated high
school in 1988, fi rst at West Point, then active duty,
and then reserves. I have always felt a duty to do
my part and follow his example.
“My brother, Lance Olson, is also a LTC in the
Army Reserves. Thank goodness my grandfather
lived through it, or I wouldn’t be here.
My grandmother’s brother wasn’t as fortunate,
and wasn’t able to return and farm and have a fam-
ily and descendants. So, I really thought it was im-
portant that 100 years later, we remember,” Olson
Never forgotten
Sept. 23 dawned warm and sunny. It was
the day the church congregation and mem-
bers of Lawrence’s family delivered a me-
morial service.
Following the worship service, Olson
talked about Lawrence and his family dur-
ing the congregants’ coffee time.
Then, the group went to Lawrence’s
grave. Olson gave a speech. His son, Cart-
er, 13, read the poem, “In Flanders Fields.”
Lawrence’s nephew, Paul Johnson, placed
fl owers on the grace. Taps was played.
One day prior to the 100- year anniver-
sary of his death, Lawrence Peterson was
honored by generations of family and sev-
eral church members, for his service and
sacrifi ce for the US.
World War I casualty, Lawrence Peterson’s family deco-
rated his gravesite 100 years after his death.
Among those honoring Lawrence Peterson at a recent memo-
rial were his great-great-nephew Carter Olson, great-nephew
Lieutenant Colonel Joel Anderson, and nephew Paul Johnson,
each played a role in the memorial service for Uncle Lawrence.
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Connections December 2018