Senior Connections Senio rConnections Nov-Dec19 | Page 8
Four ways to fi ght
holiday fatigue
The holidays are a busy time of year and many
people push themselves to the point of exhaustion
in an effort to try and keep up. If this sounds a
little too familiar, here are some tips for enjoy-
ing the season without running yourself into the
1. Eat well. With treats and sweets readily
available everywhere you go, it’s all too easy to
overindulge. When you’re home, make healthy,
balanced meals. Avoid over- eating by chewing
slowly during holiday feasts. And be sure to drink
plenty of water.
2. Move often. Regular exercise gives you more
energy and helps you get the sleep you need. If
the weather permits, head out or a jog or try your
hand at winter sports like skiing or snowshoeing.
If you don’t enjoy outdoor activities, head to a
yoga class or to the gym.
3. Sleep soundly. While it may seem unfeasible,
do try to go to bed and wake up at the same times
as you normally do. If necessary, take afternoon
naps, just not too late in the day or for more than
an hour.
4. Pace yourself. Instead of running around do-
ing everything at the last minute, start early this
year. Shop in November, decorate during the fi rst
week of December and gather the groceries well
before your guests are due to arrive. You can even
make and freeze some of your holiday dishes in
advance. Remember, you don’t have to accept ev-
ery invitation you receive. Do what brings you the
most joy and say no to things that aren’t worth-
while. Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask for help or to
delegate some tasks to family members.
Aim for a regret-free retirement
Try asking a few people over the age of 60 about
how they prepared for retirement.
You’ll probably hear that they wish they’d gone
about their fi nancial planning in a different way.
It’s worth studying their answers so you can avoid
major discomfort later on. Here are the most common
“I should have started saving when I was younger”
It’s important to start saving for retirement even in
the early stages of your career. You probably won’t
work for the same employer for an extended period
of time the way your parents did, and a company or
government pension can easily disappear from under
your feet if you lose your job before you qualify. Even
if you are self-employed, open a 401K and be vigilant
about saving to it.
“ I didn’t have enough income for a savings plan”
Whether you’re highly disciplined or a free spirit
whose money burns holes in your pockets, the cost of
living may always seem oppressive. But saving mon-
ey doesn’t have to gut your paycheck. Set up an IRA
with your bank, life insurance company, mutual fund,
or stockbroker. Make contributions that match your
current capabilities and up the contributions when
ever you can.
“I didn’t diversify enough”
Diversifi ed retirement planning is crucial; don’t be
tempted to put the bulk of your savings at the mercy of
the marketplace. If you count on just one source of re-
tirement income, such as a pension and stocks, you and
your loved ones may be left short if the market plum-
mets. Practice comprehensive fi nancial planning with
IRAs, a 401K, life insurance and mutual funds.
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Connections Nov/Dec 2019
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