Sendhil Dental Clinic & Implant Centre Tips to reduce tooth implant pain

Tips to reduce tooth implant pain Dental implants are the expensive missing teeth replacement solution because it needs surgery to fix the teeth. When compared to other restorative approaches like dental crowns, dentures, the implant teeth assure the higher success rates and bring back the natural look as well as the performance. The healing period after implant surgery is the vital factor determining the success of your implant. A new bone around the implant fixed in the jaw develops during the healing period. The healing duration persists for months and varies with the complexity of the procedure. Mild aches and little discomforts are common during that healing or recovery period. Implant surgeons suggest various pain control measures in the healing period. We have listed them here. 1) Take complete rest and refrain from difficult activities Fixing dental implants need 2 to 3 days for initial recovery. When we perform any strenuous or hard actions, it will increase the blood pressure and heart rate. Such increased blood pressure because of physical activities during the initial recovery period may dislodge the blood clots formed in the implant site. Our Implantologist advise people not to talk excessively or move the jaw bone much on the day of treatment after fixing implant teeth.