Seminole Hard Rock Life July 2016 | Page 18

the trials of adult life stress me out. I try to focus my energy on the things that I can change for the better, letting go of the anger, anxiety, or sadness associated with negative parts of life. Life is too precious to waste being unhappy. Do you have a favorite food you like to cook or eat? My favorite dish is a copycat of my dad’s tempura recipe. I tempura fry chicken, shrimp, broccoli, mushrooms and zucchini. I mix up a garlicky, vinegar, spicy soy based sauce along with a creamy sauce and eat my weight in tempura. I can’t make this all the time because I’d be a 100 pounds heavier in no time. Lastly, tell us a fun fact about you that people may not know? I am a very happy and emotional girl. Every now and then my guilty pleasure is to binge watch uplifting “faith in humanity restored” videos online and cry my eyes out. It feels so good I have to literally tell myself “Ok, Kayla, just one more...” Be sure to keep an eye out for Kayla throughout the month at various events within the Tampa Bay community as well as volunteering at events with our charity partner, Hands Across the Bay. Keep up with the Hard Rock Girls on Twitter and Instagram. @HardRockGirls @TampaHardRockGirls Purchase your 2016 Hard Rock Girls Calendar All proceeds benefit 16 local Charities 17