Numero Dos.
Funny how my first one was when we were inseparable, this post was when adult life started happening and we barely saw each other.
At first I was really sad when Sully and I didn’t hang out as much. It didn’t make sense to me how I barely saw her when she was only a few houses away. School took over in our lives and other things of course. We started growing up and like other human beings our age.. we started “dating.” I’ll always remember this one cold night in January 2012. It was easy for me to fake how I felt when I was in public. Pretty much show the people around me I was happy and living my life. Even I made myself believe that I was okay..that I was happy with everything that was going on those days. But in reality, I was heartbroken, CRYING.. I was miserable. I couldn’t handle my emotions anymore and so I texted Kriselle and Jamie and vavooom there they were in my house comforting me and making me feel more positive. It may sound like a sad memory but that was definitely one of my favorite memories with Kriselle. That day I knew that even if we had our own lives, she will ALWAYS be there for me. Even if we barely saw each other, she still made an effort to make sure I was okay. She gave me a reality check and she definitely made me feel 1000000x better. I’ll never forget what she said ..
What is your fondest memory with Kriselle?
Holy Moly there’s so many! Can I make a list??? Well okay, I guess I will just get nostalgic here and reminisce about my favorite memories.
Numero Uno.
I remember when Sully went to the Philippines back in Grade 10 and we dropped her off at the airport. Sully and I were getting teary-eyed for some reason. I guess during that time we were already getting closer. Then she came back from her trip and that was a different story. After her trip, we were INSEPARABLE. We became sisters and even to this day, I still believe those days will never be forgotten. We had our funny insiders (such as BI-BICYCLE, TAKURAKU TAKUVEGGIE hahaha), sleepovers, shopping dates, bussing around the city dates, after school study dates, after school playing mario cart on DS days, and early make-up sessions (and walking around) in Holy Trinity because we were always there WAY TOO early haha. Even our parents would question us why we would still be on the phone for long hours when we were already together the whole day. Just like sisters, we also had our arguments and I guess because we hung out a lot, there were also some days when we would get annoyed of each other. What I like about our relationship though was that we talked about it and fixed it through communication.
How did you meet Kriselle?
A place to remember: Holy Trinity Catholic High School
Timeline: Early September 2006
I remember being in line with my cousin, Ate Amor, at Holy Trinity for my Grade 10 registration. There I met this girl named Giselle who was right behind me in line. Suddenly, she started talking with these other teenagers from her junior high. I don’t remember it too well but I think I was just watching her talk to her friends and so she probably noticed and she introduced me to her lovely friends (I’m so creepy hey?). I won’t forget being introduced to this one particular girl named Kriselle Santillan. Who knew that same girl would become one of my closest friends? And our first conversation.....
“Oh hi! I’m Sharrae I just moved from the Philippines 4 months ago” hahaha! ohhhhmyyy
Sharrae Talamayan Talks Love, Laughs, & Friendship