“ I went to a
Catholic academy
and a lot of it was
problematic. My
junior religion
teacher said that
gay marriage was
wrong. I started
this whole
argument in class
but his mindset
was set in that
being gay was a
sin but you can
‘love the sinner
and hate the sin,’
a mindset that
still demoralizes
and dehumanizes queerfolk.
The ironic thing is
that the class was
called Scripture
and Social
“ I wear long tees
and skirts,
dresses, boots.
I’m about the
one piece,
rompers, and
jumpers. They’re
good for working
in the shops. I’m
always in a rush.”
“ My practice is
two weeks of
thinking and two
days of making.
I know it sounds
really hectic but
the adrenaline of
it works for me.”
“ Some people in
class critiques
don’t give good
especially when
I make cultural
and religious
work. Many of my
white teachers
really discourage
me from making
work about my
culture and opt
for metaphor so
accessibility —for
a mostly white
audience— can
be achieved. I
want to resist the
idea that just
because you
aren’t a part of my
culture you can’t
access it because
within the canon
of art history you
are expected to
be knowledgeable and aware of
mainly white