Self Portrait Photography | Page 48

A Few Words About Editing

You have your images, now you want to make them look way better by editing the life out of them, whoah! Hold onto your horses, stand back from the Gaussian Blur tool, and read on...

It is all too easy to think we need to edit images so much that they no longer look like a photograph but a car crash, and most offenders use the Gaussian Blur tool in Adobe CS6, or GIMP, or any other image editing program. Most set the blur so high that faces look like their constructed of cotton wool, and looks very unnatural and more than a little bit scary.

When it comes to smoothing out a bad complexion, less is more!

Most image editors use adobe cs6, or at least photoshop elements, if they wish to carry out some airbrushing,, and almost all will use the Surface Blur tool; they start by duplicating the original layer, then adding a surface blur, not too much, just enough so that the skin appears a bit softer, not hazy, you want a natural look, not a fuzzy wuzzy one! We then mask out all the area's we want to keep untouched by the blur, by using the brush tool to brush in the surface blur. All is needed is to flattern your layers and job done!

Of course, you can increase or decrease contrast, the former for more punch in the colours, the latter for less punch. Altering the shadows and highlights can also help some images but unless the lighting is very harsh and contrasting, you shouldnt need to worry about those.

But you don't always need something so heavy to edit images with, you can also edit them on apps created specifically for tablets, and some of these are actually quite good at creating exciting and pretty filters, with different effects and bokeh lights, but be careful that you do not go too overboard with the editing, unless that is the look you wish to have.