Self Portrait Photography | Page 43

My Kind

Of Light

Light can make or break an image, so what is my favourite light to use? The answer just might surprise you...

If I had to choose just one light to use forever then that light would be sunlight from behind, or in other words, natural backlighting!

Backlighting is an effective way to add drama and romance into a portrait, the sun peeping behind ones shoulder can really make an image stand out, and for me, as someone who loves backlighting, it is also the quickest way to introduce lens flare into the mix, which is something I simply adore!

Sadly most lenses today are made to minimize lens flare which is a pity, though many vintage lenses produce excellent lens flare which is very pleasing to the eye!

Though one pitfall of shooting backlit subjects is that it tends to wash the background out completely by over exposing it to get a decent exposure on your subject, again this is not to everyone's taste but it is something that I personally like, for me it adds an air of mystery and used in a certain way screams that it is summertime and hot.

As a photographer I am at my happiest when I am keeping things as simple as can be, just a camera, tripod and the natural light that is afforded occasionally by the sun.

You do not need anything else, certainly not studio lights or speedlights, they can get in the way more often than not, certainly when working on your own, sure some high speed shooting with strobes would be lovely now and then, but use what is already there, make the most of it and experiment. Sure the background highlights will most certainly be blown out, but your image will have a certain romance about it if used wisely and sparingly!

Of course overcast days are lovely too, but summertime when the sun is about to set during the golden hour is the perfect time to get those backlit shots in the bag,