Self Portrait Photography | Page 32

Pretty much every camera sold on the market today, will allow you to connect your camera to a smartphone device, which makes self portrait photography so very easy indeed, in fact once you try this method, you won't go back to using self timers at all!

Tethered Shooting

Self portrait photography is made even easier with the advent of tethered shooting, but what exactly is tethered shooting? Well, it is what you do if you want to nail focus and composition without touching your camera...


To do this, you do need to download the appropriate app for your camera, Fuji use the Camera Remote app, and Canon have their own Camera Connect app, the latter being rather complex to set up.

Camera Remote by Fuji is the superior app in my opinion, it simply connects to a smartphone without any hassle, by wifi, and from here you can alter all the basic settings including aperture, shutter speed and ISO!

You will need to set up your white balance first, as this cannot be changed when the camera is connected to the app.

Once you have the app downloaded to your smartphone, touch the app icon to load the app, from here you have 4 options, Remote Connect, Receive, Browse Camera and Geotagging, you want to click on Remote Connect.

Your camera will give you a live view of what it see's, on your smartphone, which is very handy for composing those images.

Scene look too dark? Change the shutter speed... Scene too bright? Close the aperture up!

The only downside to using this method is the smartphone could get into shot, and if this is not your intention, hiding the smartphone can be tricky, but there are ways to hide the phone, by having a 2 second delay will allow you amply time to hide the phone from the image.

Much easier than using the 10 second self timer isn't it? Less running, more posing, now that is what it is all about!