Self Portrait Photography | Page 30

Ten Tips For A Perfect Pose

An awkward looking pose will absolutely ruin an otherwise perfectly good photograph, yet posing with proper posture need not be uncomfortable or challenging...

There is a very good reason why professional photographers pay good money for professional models, well quite a few very good reasons, but one of them is the models complete ability to look amazing effortlessly.

I really enjoyed working with professional models, and I learned quite a lot from the way they moved to create completely different looks in a heart beat.

So try out these five tricks to get better looking poses for your self portraits, have a go in the mirror first and see how much of a differece using these techniques makes to the way you look.

Drop One Shoulder

Ahhh, the shoulder drop, instantly creating a sexy and feminine shape to your body. It also leads the eyes nicely to the main subject matter., you!

Level shoulders look dull and masculine, so make them feminine by dropping one shoulder, this is a simple trick which can be used on males as well as females and anyone else inbetween.

Shoulders Back

If you wish to pose facing the camera, then how about putting your shoulders back a little, instread of having them slumped naturally?

Again, this gives a softer feel to portraits, less threatening to the viewer, and also has another added benefit, it helps minimize double chins!


Well, not totally sideways, but enough so that your bum sticks out slightly, or a lot, depending on what you want, and your tummy in.

Facing the camera obviously means you are displaying yourself at your widest point, so why not make yourself look slimmer by turning slightly side on? With careful composition, even fuller figure subjects could look slimmer by posing slightly side on and and breathing in at the right time.

Thrust In, Or Out

Staying in the above position, sideways, another great way to create a more feminime form is to thrust your hips at the direction of the camera.

You see, it is all about perspective, anything close to the camera appears big, further away and things look smaller, the same applies to our bodies in an image, if you thrust your hips out to the camera, your hips will appear bigger, while doing the opposite will create the opposite effect, handy for those slightly more heavier built.