Self Portrait Photography | Page 16

6 Your Workplace

Not an obvious choise, but depending on where you work, and what you do for a living, you could get away with doing a full on photoshoot at work, and it can indeed work well.

If you work in an office, how about a saucy secretary style shoot, not only is this easily done, you can mount the camera on bookcases or shelving if you wish, but beware, ambient office lighting tends to be a bit rubbish, so using natural daylight would help, but never use the on camera's pop up flash, never ever use that!

7 Hotels

There is always someting naughty about images taken in hotels, and why not? A full on lingerie shoot in a hotel room looks stunning, and if the backdrop outside the window is equally as stunning, why not try to include it in your images?

You will have to expose for your face, so if you are facing away from a window and you expose for the window itself, you will come out very dark. The trick is to use manual exposure, and expose for your face, the bit you want to be properly exposed, if that means a very slow shutter speed, then be still while the image is captured!

Use the bed, use the bathroom, be glamorous, be adventurous, and try out lots of poses while you have the oppertunity.

Hotel lighting can be used, but be careful to correct the white balance or the images could come out all orange looking, and unless you want to look like an extra from TOWIE, id suggest switching the WB to Incandescent

8 The Great British Countryside

Yey for the Great British summer, wall to wall sunshine, colour everywhere, every corner of the UK looks fabulous during summertime, so make the most of it by heading outdoors and finding some lush field to pose in.

During early summer the landscape is awash with bright yellow for a couple of months, Oil Seed Rape flowers look gorgeous, if a little smelly, not good for thos ewith hay fever issues but fabulous for those of us who don't.

Wear bright bold colours to contrast with the natural colours, red on yellow always looks amazing, as does blue on red; a field of poppies always makes for a pretty photograph or ten,