Self Portrait Photography | Page 14

Over the years i have come to realize that finding suitable locations to shoot can be tricky, but once you find a great location you will feel inspired to create beautiful self portraits which will stand out from the usual ones.

I have done many wonderful self portraits in churches, abandoned RAF bases and whatnot, on a beach, by beautiful lakes in summertime, even at work once when everyone else went home.

And locations can come from anywhere, and each one comes with its own advantages and disadvantages, so here are my top 5 self portrait locations.

1 Abandoned Buildings

Now, I find abandoned buildings incredibly beautiful and fascinating, they have such character, such atmosphere, and the light in these places can be amazing

I have done shoots in all kinds of abandoned buildings, and photoshoots in places such as former RAF bases, abandoned military photographic laboratories, an empty farm house and even a large derelict childrens/old folks home, so I am pretty experienced when it comes to these kinds of places, and each one has its own merits, as well as pitfalls.

Abandoned and derelict buildings by their very nature are incredibly dangerous, and can be quite unpredictable, things to watch out for are arson attacks, if you see fire damage anywhere, stay clear! You dont want to go upstairs and fall through a badly scorched ceiling, and beware of decaying walls, those rotten with damp, they can fall so easily.

But the biggest worry is children, delinquent ones, who like to throw rocks and masonry at random strangers. This happened to me on a shoot with a model once, i chased the little fecker and he didnt come near us again, so have your wits about you when in these kinds of places, do your own thorough risk assessment, weigh up if it is really worth shooting there, if it is too dangerous, find somewhere else that will fit the bill!

2 The Beach

We all love the seaside, and I adore taking photos by the beach, though I have to admit, it has been years since I did a beach babe photoshoot, but I have done one or two in my time now, and they are always worth while!

The best time to do it is in the morning, before the crowds and bemused families arrive on the beach. and obviously do the shoot during the summer months, when you are already tanned and sunkissed. The sun will be nice and low in the sky during the morning, and you get that lovely clear, unpolluted early morning light too, not as golden as the light in the evening, this is cleaner light, and as long as you dont squint in the sun, the images will look amazing, but be warned, sand and sea water are no camera's friend, if you have a weather sealed camera, brilliant, if not, be careful, dont touch the camera with wet, sandy hands!

As well as the usual beach babe shoot, another good idea is a late evening fashion style

dangerous to yourself and fellow rail users, not to mention very irritating, nobody wants to be dodging tripods and cameras when exiting and boarding trains, and also be aware that train tracks are dangerous places in general.

4 Churches

Yes, churches, definitely one in every town and village, sometimes more than one.

The light in churches is often sublime, very soft, usually bouncing off limestone walls or some other light shade, shining through stain glass windows creating an ambience only a church can provide.

They are powerful places, majestic and elegant, and your options of styling are almost limitless, but be warned, churches are used by very conservative poeple who may not wish to see someone dressed too sexily, cavorting in their blessed church.

5 Grand Homes

There is nothing more splendid than a large country home, Palladial mansion, or a Jacobean stately home.

These places ooze class, and some are even open to the public.

There are quite a few in my area, and I have used them more than a few times in the past as backdrops to photoshoots, and the images always stand out, no matter what styling I end up going with.