Self Made: Olivia Songs Issue 71 Issue 71 Fall 2021 | Page 20

and they get to your site and the website is down . The branding of your business is very important . Especially now with more people online a lot .
What does your business do for your clients ? We assist owners in building websites , logo designing , And getting to know your business so we can strategize the best look for their business .
What are some tips you can give business owners starting out when it comes to branding ?
Study , research , and follow your passion .
Where do you see your business in 5 years ? I see GPD as a global business . I want to serve organizations from around the world . Our vision is to be the got to business for branding for small businesses and non- profits globally .
Has your journey with your business been easy ? Entrepreneurship is a journey there are days when I want to quit , days when I question what I ' m doing . Having to balance family and business makes the journey even more interesting . It has its ups and downs , but overall it ' s just life .
Where can we learn more ? You can visit my website or social media page . Our company is currently hosting an online event happening for the month of September in honor of Self Improvement Strategies for Entrepreneurs .
The branding of your business is very important . Especially now with more people online a lot .
What ' s your secret to balancing being a business owner and home life ? My business is just one of the many things I do . I am a mom , I have a sweetheart . You never really find balance . I feel that it ' s having focused energy takes a lot to build a business . It takes a lot to be a mom , everything that you do big requires a lot of brainpower and energy .
N A T U R A L W O M A N M A G A Z I N E www . asknaturalwoman . com