Self Made: Olivia Songs Issue 71 Issue 71 Fall 2021 | Page 17

So many people are uneducated on what Cryptocurrency is also known as Digital Currency . I want to help everyone around the world learn the knowledge of this new currency that is taking America by storm . My mission is to help you understand what it is , how does it work , and most importantly how you can use it in your everyday life .
Technology Innovation has been improving everyday things in our life ’ s for years . Just a few years ago we were watching movies on DVDs fast forward to the present day where we are now streaming movies on Netflix and Amazon Prime . That ’ s exactly what digital currency is doing for money . Digital currency is a form of money and / or assets that only exists virtually . Such as stocks , digital currency value is based on popularity from the amount of people that own them and invest in them . Different crypto-digital currencies are used for different things . One of the most popular digital currencies in the world is BITCOIN . Bitcoin is currently best used for longterm investments and large purchases , Bitcoin is currently traded at store value . Bitcoin can also be used for making large purchases such as purchasing a car or real estate .

" Digital currency is a form of money and / or assets that only exists virtually ."

– Nikki Blossom
Other coins like Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin work best for mediums of exchange . They are not worth as much as Bitcoin but they are great starter investments or can even be used for everyday purchases like your Starbucks run .
A lot of people are not aware of US Dollar stablecoins which is a digital version of the USD . These type of cryptocurrencies hold their value at a dollar per coin . Etc : ( $ 1 = 1 coin ) and you can use these coins anywhere in the world . This eliminates bank wires , unnecessary fees , and more because in its place you can use these digital dollars . These coins are so effective that many other countries are starting to make their own coin called CBDC “ Central BankDigital Currency ”.
I hope you enjoyed this introduction to “ The Cryptocurrency Exchange ” tune in to the next article of Natural Woman Magazine to get more financial tips on cryptocurrency , stock market , investments , business credit , personal credit , and more that will help you grow & bloom your finances into Blossom Bucks .
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