It ’ s All About Your Mindset

Mindset -- a strong and posi�ve one -- is essen�al to developing healthy self-esteem . It is an important tool that affects our daily self-dialogue and reinforces our most in�mate beliefs , a�tudes and feelings about ourselves . So , become the gatekeeper of your mind and plant seeds of posi�vity and inspira�on rather than cri�cism and doubt .

4 ) Neuroplas�city

A strong memory depends on the health and vitality of your brain . The brain ' s incredible ability to reshape itself applies when it comes to learning and memory . The human brain has an amazing ability to adapt and change . This ability is known as neuroplas�city . You can harness the natural power of neuroplas�city to increase your cogni�ve abili�es , improve your ability to learn new informa�on , and improve your memory at all ages .

5 ) Control and competence

How do you explain your successes and failures to both yourself and others ? Do you a�ribute nega�ve results to factors under your control or factors beyond your control ? It is useful to find the sources of the problems . Because those who do it in this way can usually find a solu�on and think that they can make a difference and make more efficient efforts .
While you are striving for your purpose , you may some�mes feel run down or overwhelmed . However , the mentality you have will get you out of this bo�leneck . We must believe in the power of our own mind to find crea�ve solu�ons . Instead of despairing when we encounter problems , we can regain our crea�vity by using the tricks we explain in this video lecture .