How to Be a Successful Online Learner ?
5 . Reading and Wri�ng Skills Reading and wri�ng are the main ways you ' ll communicate in an online class . Although some hard copies of textbooks might be required , you should be comfortable reading a lot of documents on a computer screen and able to type . Some tests and quizzes have mul�ple choice ques�ons , but many of your assignments will involve wri�ng short or long answers . If you type less than 25-30 words per minute , it may be worth comple�ng a typing so�ware program before beginning online classes .
6 . Mo�va�on and Independence To be successful , an online student has to want to succeed . Online learning requires independence , internal mo�va�on , responsibility , and a certain level of maturity . Have you given some thought to your own personal reasons for a�ending school ? Are you determined and self-mo�vated to succeed in school ? There are many worthwhile reasons to work hard in school . You might want a greater level of personal sa�sfac�on with your future career . Or perhaps it ' s personal pride in your accomplishments . Or maybe you are seeking a wider range of opportuni�es available to you with higher educa�on or a higher income .
7 . A Good Study Environment Another cri�cal component of academic success is a good study environment .
Get some peace and quiet . You will need a quiet place to work without distrac�ons from things like television , family , or roommates .
Avoid games . Consider uninstalling any computer games to avoid tempta�on . Or keep the games on a different computer in the house . Turn off your cell phone . Let friends and family members know the hours that you will be " at " school . Beware surfing the black hole of the Internet . It is easy to lose track of the �me as you wander from site to site . Consider ergonomics . Adjust the height of your chair , keyboard , and screen so that you are comfortable .
Forearms and thighs should be level and parallel to the floor . Wrists should not be bent while typing . Set up good ligh�ng and comfortable sea�ng . Ligh�ng in the room should be at least as bright as the computer screen to avoid eye strain .
Source : Minnesota Online High School and Minnesota Department of Education