Strengths of Online Learning

There are many reasons why online programs have become a popular form of distance learning in higher educa�on today . The online environment offers unprecedented opportuni�es for people who would otherwise have limited access to educa�on , as well as a new paradigm for educators in which dynamic courses of the highest quality can be developed . Here is a list of some of the major benefits of online programs :
Anywhere … The main advantage of asynchronous online learning is that it allows students to par�cipate in high quality learning situa�ons when distance and schedule make on-ground learning difficult-to-impossible . Students can par�cipate in classes from anywhere in the world , provided they have a computer and Internet connec�on . In addi�on , the online format allows physically challenged students ( and teachers ) more freedom to par�cipate in class . Par�cipants access the Virtual Classroom through their computers instead of having to “ go to class ” physically .
Any�me , Any Pace … The Virtual Classroom is accessible 24 hours a day , seven days a week . Time efficiency is another strength brought by the online learning format . Asynchronous communica�on through online conferencing programs allows the professional juggling work , family , and study schedules to par�cipate in class discussions . There is no ques�on about doing the work ; just do it at the �mes that are more convenient . Students can access their courses at any �me of day or night . Further , they have con�nuous access to lectures , course materials , and class discussions . This is par�cularly convenient for those who may need to reread a lecture or take more �me to reflect on some material before moving on .
Synergy The online format allows a dynamic interac�on between the instructor and students and among the students themselves . Resources and ideas are shared , and con�nuous synergy will be generated through the learning process . Each individual can contribute to the course discussions and comments on the work of others . The synergy that exists in the student-centered Virtual Classroom is one of the most unique and vital traits that the online learning format possesses .
High Quality Dialog Within an online asynchronous discussion structure , the learner may reflect on comments from others before responding or moving on to the next item . This structure allows students �me to ar�culate responses with much more depth and forethought than in a tradi�onal face-to-face discussion situa�on where the par�cipant must analyze the comment of another on the spot and formulate a response or otherwise lose the chance to contribute to the discussion .