4 . Distance educa�on offers more individual a�en�on
O�en , many ques�ons may come to mind while working a�er class . You may either forget to ask these ques�ons in class , or you may not have the opportunity to ask them . Many students are not comfortable asking ques�ons in class for fear of feeling bad . The Internet takes this fear away . Nowadays , you can communicate with your teachers instantly , ask your ques�ons and get your answers directly with numerous digital communica�on tools .
5 . Distance educa�on can be an opportunity for talented but �mid people
Some students don ' t show enough courage to stand out , especially in large classes . Distance educa�on offers all students the opportunity to show themselves to their teachers with tools such as message programs , video call applica�ons and e-mail . The messages to be conveyed by the teachers through the announcement groups will reach all students equally .
6 . Distance educa�on gives you the skills to work online
With distance educa�on , you learn by using many pla�orms on the internet . Learning how to obtain informa�on on the Internet opens up many possibili�es for your personal and professional life . This gives you a definite advantage over someone who doesn ' t have these skills .
7 . Distance educa�on promotes lifelong learning
O�en �mes , most of what you have learned in a lesson is forgo�en within a week or two a�er classes are over . However , you can archive the informa�on you get while working on the internet , and base what you learn with the informa�on you obtain from other sources . Best of all , you can go back and get this informa�on whenever you want . This ensures that informa�on is always available to you . In addi�on , you can always study regardless of your age .
8 . Distance educa�on has financial benefits
You may think it ' s quite expensive to buy a computer and pay for internet access . But consider how much it will cost to a�end college in another city . You will have many expenses such as rental costs , transporta�on costs , food and beverage expenses . With distance educa�on , you can save on these expenses with your family , and even be�er , you can use this savings to improve yourself .