YouTube has changed a lot in our lives . It has become a unique resource especially for curious people , those who constantly want to learn something , and those who want to improve themselves . People started to find the topics they were curious about and wanted to learn on YouTube . Later , online trainings took place in our lives with pla�orms such as Udemy . Especially with the closure of schools due to the Covid-19 pandemic that started in 2020 , the importance of distance educa�on has emerged . We live in an ever-changing world where a new possibility arises every day . Educa�on is no longer an ac�vity specific to certain places because we have the opportunity to learn new knowledge or a new skill whenever and wherever we want .
Distance educa�on offers us more opportuni�es than ever before . The scope and reach of educa�on is expanding to greater horizons that are perhaps unimaginable . In this lecture , I will focus on the advantages of online distance educa�on over the internet . Distance educa�on , working from home , and online shopping have undoubtedly posi�ve effects on environmental pollu�on , which is a separate issue in itself . What I want to tell in this video is the benefits of distance educa�on on the student himself / herself .
1 . Distance educa�on is comfortable and prac�cal
The biggest advantage of an online course is the chance you have that working with your instructor 24 hours a day , seven days a week . Theore�cally of course ! You can receive announcements at any �me of the day , access grades , review assignments , take exams , discuss ques�ons , chat with other students and study whenever you want . Apart from certain deadlines , you can make your own schedule to meet the course requirements .
2 . Distance educa�on provides flexibility
You can work with anyone you want , whenever you want . Also , there is no specific dress code requirement . Online classes give you the flexibility to spend �me with work , family , friends , or any other ac�vi�es you want . Par�cipa�ng in classes in a campus environment can be a big problem especially for people who work for their livelihood while receiving educa�on , parents with young children , those who care for others , and those with health disabili�es . For these people , online classes provide considerable flexibility in that they can tailor their training schedule .
3 . Distance educa�on turns your home into a school
Up to a certain age , students usually par�cipate in distance learning with their families . Thus , the whole family is involved in the learning process . Having family support while homeschooling can increase the likelihood of success .