Success is hidden in your goals

4 . Your goals should be related to your plans .
Your goals should be related to the direc�on you want your life and career to go . A common problem is having too many goals at the same �me or pursuing the wrong goals . If your goals are not about your career plan , achieving these goals will not get you anywhere .
5 . The dura�on of your goals should be determined
This is one of the most important factors . Set deadlines for the comple�on of your goals . If you do not set a �me limit , it remains unclear when you will reach your goals . Make sure you make a �meline but make sure that it is realis�c .
Se�ng goals is not a one-off event . You will set various goals for yourself throughout your life . For this reason , you should set your goals correctly so that you can achieve the success you want .
Remember : A journey of thousands of kilometres starts with a single step .
Goal se�ng involves planning for the future . Goal se�ng and skill-oriented planning significantly improve subjec�ve well-being . Thinking posi�vely about the future bolsters our ability to create goals and consider the ac�ons required to achieve them . The capacity to plan posi�vely impacts our perceived control over goal outcomes and our future . Furthermore , goal se�ng and achievement can promote the development of an internal locus of control .