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Kati Callahan is a doTERRA Wellness Advocate & SAHM & entrepreneur. She
loves DIY and is always whipping up something new.
Easy Cinnamon Applesauce
1012 large apples peeled, cored, chopped in chunks | 1/2 C water
24 drops Lemon EO | 1/2 t Cinnamon | 12 drops Cinnamon EO
1/2 C coconut sugar or honey
Soak apples 1015 min in a sink of white vinegar & 24 drops Lemon EO. Peel,
core, and chop apples into chunks (I like to leave some skins on).
Add all ingredients to crockpot and cook on low for 6 hours or 1520 minutes in
InstaPot/Pressure Cooker. When done cooking, mix all ingredients and mash
clumps of apples until desired consistency is achieved. ENJOY!