Self Defense Magazine Semester 2 Self Defense Magazine on Drugs | Page 4

What are Drugs and Types of Drugs

Drugs are a chemical substance that will affect the normal functions of our bodies.

There are illegal and legal drugs. Illegal drugs are drugs that are both very powerful and harmful and will have immediate effect on the body. They are so harmful that countries have decided to control them.

There are two types of legal drugs. prescription, and over the counter. Over the counter drugs are drugs that you could find on a shelf at a store. An example would be Tylenol or antacids. Prescription drugs are drugs that you have to go to the doctor and get a signed not that gives you permission to take.

Illegal drugs are forbidden. No one is allowed to sell them. They are only used by high level doctors. A good example of an illegal drug that doctors use is morphine. In severe cases illegal drugs are used, but for the most part the harm outweighs any good that the drug could do.