Self Defense Magazine Semester 2 Self Defense Magazine #2 Articles | Page 10

Vehicle Safety

Vehicular safety is extremely important for yourself and for other people. Remember, sometimes you are on the giving end, sometimes on the receiving end.

There are a number of things that you can do to help prevent car accidents:

Seat belts: Prevents you or the passenger from being thrown around in rough and harsh conditions majorly force. Many believe that seat belts are not meant to be used when sitting at the back, although this is incorrect.

Shoes: If flip-flops are worn there are cases where they flip and tangles your foot with the pedal, causing the car to move on its own. Tickets are given if you are caught wearing them.

Bottles: If you do not put the bottles they can fall to block the access the pedal or brake to function. That is why cup or bottle holders are provided.

Eating or Drinking and Driving: If you eat and drink when driving it can prevent your full attention and focus, eyesight, and could create damages to you and others and their vehicles. Drinking alcohol will reduce your reflexes and senses of your mind.

Phones: Create a major dissertation leading to huge car crashes.