Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 90

F O R MA L C OL L I S I ON S OF G E OM E T RY Forms differing in geometry or orientation may be incorporated into a single organization for any of the following reasons: • To accommodate or accentuate the differing requirements of interior space and exterior form • To express the functional or symbolic importance of a form or space within its context • To generate a composite form that incorporates the contrasting geometries into its centralized organization • To inflect a space toward a specific feature of a building site • To carve a well-defined volume of space from a building form • To express and articulate the various constructional or mechanical systems that exist within a building form • To reinforce a local condition of symmetry in a building form • To respond to contrasting geometries of the topography, vegetation, boundaries, or existing structures of a site • To acknowledge an already existing path of movement through a building site FORM / 7 5