Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 83

CL U STE RED FO RM While a centralized organization has a strong geometric basis for the ordering of its forms, a clustered organization groups its forms according to functional requirements of size, shape, or proximity. While it lacks the geometric regularity and introverted nature of centralized forms, a clustered organization is flexible enough to incorporate forms of various shapes, sizes, and orientations into its structure. Considering their flexibility, clustered organizations of forms may be organized in the following ways: • They can be attached as appendages to a larger parent form or space. • They can be related by proximity alone to articulate and express their volumes as individual entities. • They can interlock their volumes and merge into a single form having a variety of faces. A clustered organization can also consist of forms that are generally equivalent in size, shape, and function. These forms are visually ordered into a coherent, nonhierarchical organization not only by their close proximity to one another, but also by the similarity of their visual properties. 68 / A R C H I TE C TU R E : F O R M , S PA C E , & O R D E R