Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 77

L INE AR FO RM A linear form can result from a proportional change in a form’s dimensions or the arrangement of a series of discrete forms along a line. In the latter case, the series of forms may be either repetitive or dissimilar in nature and organized by a separate and distinct element such as a wall or path. • A linear form can be segmented or curvilinear to respond to topography, vegetation, views, or other features of a site. • A linear form can front on or define an edge of an exterior space, or define a plane of entry into the spaces behind it. • A linear form can be manipulated to enclose a portion of space. • A linear form can be oriented vertically as a tower element to establish or denote a point in space. • A linear form can serve as an organizing element to which a variety of secondary forms are attached. 62 / A R C H I TE C TU R E : F O R M , S PA C E , & O R D E R