Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 74

A DDI T I V E F ORM Additive forms resulting from the accretion of discrete elements can be characterized by their ability to grow and merge with other forms. For us to perceive additive groupings as unified compositions of form—as figures in our visual field—the combining elements must be related to one another in a coherent manner. Centralized Form A number of secondary forms clustered about a dominant, central parent-form These diagrams categorize additive forms according to the nature of the relationships that exist among the component forms as well as their overall configurations. This outline of formal organizations should be compared with a parallel discussion of spatial organizations in Chapter 4. Linear Form A series of forms arranged sequentially in a row Radial Form A composition of linear forms extending outward from a central form in a radial manner Clustered Form A collection of forms grouped together by proximity or the sharing of a common visual trait Lingaraja Temple, Bhubaneshwar, India, c. A.D. 1100 Grid Form A set of modular forms related and regulated by a three-dimensional grid FORM / 5 9