Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 72

S U B T RA C T I V E & A DDI T I V E F ORM S Le Corbusier comments on form: “Cumulative Composition • additive form • a rather easy type • picturesque; full of movement • can be completely disciplined by classification and hierarchy” La Roche-Jeanneret Houses, Paris “Cubic Compositions (Pure Prisms) • very difficult (to satisfy the spirit)” Villa at Garches “very easy • (convenient combining)” House at Stuttgart “subtractive form • very generous • on the exterior an architectural will is confirmed • on the interior all functional needs are satisfied (light penetration, continuity, circulation)” House at Poissy After a sketch, Four House Forms, by Le Corbusier for the cover of Volume Two of the Oeuvre Complète, published in 1935. FORM / 5 7