Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 6

C ON T E N T S Preface vii Introduction ix 1 Primary Elements Primary Elements 2 Point 4 Point Elements 5 Two Points 6 Line 8 Linear Elements 10 From Line to Plane 14 Plane 18 Planar Elements 20 Volume 28 Volumetric Elements 30 2 Form Properties of Form 35 Shape 36 Primary Shapes 38 Circle 39 Triangle 40 Square 41 Surfaces 42 Curved Surfaces 43 Primary Solids 44 Regular & Irregular forms 48 Transformation of Form 50 Dimensional Transformation 52 Subtractive Form 54 Subtractive & Additive Forms 57 Additive Form 58 Centralized Form 60 Linear Form 62 Radial Form 66 Clustered Form 68 Grid Form 72 Formal Collisions of Geometry 74 Circle & Square 76 Rotated Grid 78 Articulation of Form 80 Edges & Corners 82 Surface Articulation 88 3 Form & Space Form & Space: Unity of Opposites 96 Form Defining Space 102 Horizontal Elements Defining Space 103 Base Plane 104 Elevated Base Plane 106 Depressed Base Plane 112 Overhead Plane 118 Vertical Elements Defining Space 124 Vertical Linear Elements 126 Single Vertical Plane 134 L-Shaped Configuration of Planes 138 Parallel Vertical Planes 144 U-Shaped Planes 150 Four Planes: Closure 156 Summary Typology: Space-Defining Elements 160 Openings in Space-Defining Elements 162 Openings within Planes 164 Openings at Corners 166 Openings between Planes 168 Qualities of Architectural Space 170 Degree of Enclosure 172 Light 174 View 178 4 Organization Organization of Form & Space 184 Spatial Relationships 185 Space within a Space 186 Interlocking Spaces 188 Adjacent Spaces 190 Spaces Linked by a Common Space 192 Spatial Organizations 194 Centralized Organizations 196 Linear Organizations 206 Radial Organizations 216 Clustered Organizations 222 Grid Organizations 230