Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 58

C URV E D S URFA C E S Saddle surfaces have an upward curvature in one direction and a downward curvature in the perpendicular direction. Regions of downward curvature exhibit archlike action while regions of upward curvature behave as a cable structure. If the edges of a saddle surface are not supported, beam behavior may also be present. The geometric basis for these curved surfaces can be effectively utilized in digital modeling as well as in the description, fabrication and assembly of curvilinear architectural elements and components. The fluid quality of curved surfaces contrasts with the angular nature of rectilinear forms and are appropriate for describing the form of shell structures as well as nonloadbearing elements of enclosure. Symmetrical curved surfaces, such as domes and barrel vaults, are inherently stable. Asymetrical curved surfaces, on the other hand, can be more vigorous and expressive in nature. Their shapes change dramatically as we view them from different perspectives. Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles, California, 1987–2003, Frank O. Gehry & Partners FORM / 4 3