Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 439

IND E X O F BUILDINGS Teotihuacan, City of the Gods, Mexico, 342 Tetrastyle Atrium, House of the Silver Wedding, Pompeii, 130 Theater at Epidauros, Greece, 114 Theater in Seinäjoki, Finland, 101 Third Floor Plan, Centrosoyus Building, Moscow, 353 Tholos of Polycleitos, Epidauros, Greece, 5 Thomas Hardy House, Racine, Wisconsin, 404 Timgad (Roman colony) town plan, 374 Tokonoma (spiritual center), 181 Tomb of Emperor Wan Li, China, 263 Tomb of I’timad-ud-daula, Agra, 129 Tomb of Jahangir, Lahore, 129 Tomb of Muntaz Mahal, 97, 129 Torii, Ise Shrine, Japan, 7 Torii (gateway), 344 Toshogu Shrine, Japan, 252, 266 Totsuka Country Club, Japan, 120 Town Center for Castrop-Rauxel, Germany, 212 Town Hall at Säynätso, Finland, 13, 159, 246, 364 Trulli Village, Alberobello, Italy, 70 U Uffizi Palace, Florence, 22, 340, 342 Underground village near Loyang, China, 115 UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, 67, 220 Unité d’Habitation, Firminy-Vert, France, 51, 320 Unité d’Habitation, Marseilles, France, 209, 320, 321, 385 United States Capitol Building, Washington, D. C., 7 Unity Temple, Oak Park, Illinois, 352 University Art Museum, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, 271 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 155, 331 V Vacation House, Sea Ranch, California, 69 Vadakkunnathan Temple, India, 226 Valhalla, Regensburg, Germany, 109 Vegetation Forming L-shaped Windscreens, Japan, 140 Victorian faces, 394 Vigo Sundt House, Madison, Wisconsin, 40 424 / A R C H I TE C TU R E : F O R M , S PA C E , & O R D E R Villa Aldobrandini, Italy, 12 Villa at Carthage, Tunisia, 189 Villa Barbaro, Maser, Italy, 244 Villa Capra (The Rotunda), Vecenza, 60, 201, 316 Villa Farnese, Caprarola, 334, 341 Villa Foscari, 307 Villa Garches, Vaucresson, France, 32, 37, 57, 245, 307, 357 Village Project, 149, 208 Villa Hermosa, Spain, 391 Villa Hutheesing (Project), Ahmedabad, India, 249 Villa Madama, Rome, 347 Villa Mjairea, Noormarkku, Finland, 169 Villa Savoye, Poissy, France, xii, 405 Villa Thiene, Cicogna, Italy, 317 Villa Trissino at Meledo, 153, 360 Vincent Street Flats, London, England, 89 Vitruvian man, 292 Von Sternberg House, Los Angeles, California, 253 W W.A. Glasner House, Glencoe, Illinois, 347 Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles, California, 43 Ward Willetts House, Highland Park, Illinois, 404 Washington D.C. city plan, 277 Washington Monument, Washington, D. C., 7 West Precinct, Horyu-Ji Temple, Nara, Japan, 369 Wingspread (Herbert F. Johnson House), Wisconsin, 218 Wolfsburg Cultural Center Library, Germany, 116 Woodland Chapel, Stockholm, Sweden, 299 Woodstock, England street, 105 World Museum (Project), Geneva, Switzerland, 305 Wyntoon, California, 228 Y Yahara Boat Club Project, Madison, Wisconsin, 53 Yeni-Kaplica (Thermal Bath), Bursa, Turkey, 224 Yingxian Timber Pagoda, China, 334 Yi Yuan (Garden of Contentment), China, 277 Yume-Dono, Eastern precinct of Horyu-Ji Temple, Nara, Japan, 61