Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 266

E N T RA N C E Entrances may be grouped formally into the following categories: flush, projected, and recessed. A flush entrance maintains the continuity of the surface of a wall and can be, if desired, deliberately obscured. A projected entrance forms a transitional space, announces its function to the approach, and provides overhead shelter. A recessed entrance also provides shelter and receives a portion of exterior space into the realm of the building. In each of the above categories, the form of the entrance can be similar to, and serve as a preview of, the form of the space being entered. Or it can contrast with the form of the space to reinforce its boundaries and emphasize its character as a place. In terms of location, an entrance can be centered within the frontal plane of a building or be placed off-center to create a condition of local symmetry about its opening. The location of an entrance relative to the form of the space being entered will determine the configuration of the path and the pattern of the activities within the space. The notion of an entrance can be visually reinforced by: • making the opening lower, wider, or narrower than anticipated • making the entrance deep or circuitous • articulating the opening with ornamentation or decorative embellishment Palazzo Zuccari, Rome, c. 1592, Federico Zuccari CIRCULATION / 2 5 1