Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 25

L INE AR ELEMENTS Vertical linear elements, such as columns, obelisks, and towers, have been used throughout history to commemorate significant events and establish particular points in space. Bell Tower, Church at Vuoksenniska, Finland, 1956, Alvar Aalto Menhir, a prehistoric monument consisting of an upright megalith, usually standing alone but sometimes aligned with others. Column of Marcus Aurelius, Piazza Colonna, Rome, A.D. 174. This cylindrical shaft commemorates the emperor’s victory over Germanic tribes north of the Danube. Obelisk of Luxor, Place de la Concorde, Paris. The obelisk, which marked the entrance to the Amon temple at Luxor, was given by the viceroy of Egypt, Mohamed Ali, to Louis Phillipe and installed in 1836. Vertical linear elements can also define a transparent volume of space. In the example illustrated to the left, four minaret towers outline a spatial field from which the dome of the Selim Mosque rises in splendor. Selim Mosque, Edirne, Turkey, A.D. 1569–75 10 / A R C H I TE C TU R E : F O R M , S PA C E , & O R D E R